Chapter 24: Compromised Dream

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???: "What's really worth it? losing your teammates for some unknown artifact... or your arm to protect your teammates..."
Luke: "who's that? who are you?"
???: "i am your salvation... i can help you..."
Luke: "by what..." he didn't hear anything after that just pure silence...

(Wraith's POV)

Meanwhile Wraith and Loba we're in a confrontation with Revenant staring down at both of them.
Revenant: "i see hansel and gretel had too much to handle back there..."
Loba: "what are you doing here demon?" she aims at Revenant hearing him chuckle.
Revenant: "you better be careful, you may miss and hit one of them while they're asleep."

Wraith: "why are you here?"
Revenant: "you all know something... i heard i was a king of a Dimension, a god... care to tell me more?"
Loba: "no, how the hell did you get in here?"
Revenant: "its a mystery, maybe magic, or maybe the front door."
Loba: "how did you know where we are?"
Revenant: "a little Birdie told me, Wraith here knows all about little Birdies... don't you?" Loba looked at Wraith.
Loba: "you told him?!"
Wraith: "no, why would i?" he drops from the ceiling to the ground then creeping towards Wattson an leaning over her.
Revenant: "looks like there's a mold in your clubhouse, Loba... skinbags... you just can't trust them." Loba thought of who told him about her plans.
Loba: "you been spying on me."

his response was just a chuckle.
Revenant: "little girl, the information came to me. i never asked for it, it seems you already rubbing people the wrong way." then he lean towards Luke.
Revenant: "if you want some pointers about winning the gang over, i could've helped. all you had to do was ask, just remember to say please first..." Wraith getting annoyed at this point.
Wraith: "cut to the chase, what do you want?"
Loba: "he wants to declare war on the syndicate and stage a coup, like his shadow self did or... kill me first."
Revenant: "so many choices..." he slide his fingers on Luke's bed sheet.
Revenant: "a month ago, i didn't even know i have a stalker, and now look at us, like an old married couple."

Loba grip tighter on her pistol.
Loba: "i don't remember you being this talkative when you murdered my parents."
Revenant: "lots's change that night."
Loba: "you don't say... look, if you're going to kill me, just-"
Revenant: "oh no, no, no... if i wanted you dead, you'd be dead long ago and they'll be fighting all over your corpse." all the sudden Revenant jumps up onto the bed by Luke's feet, this made Wraith grip her kunai tighter and Octane looks over to the counter seeing Luke's smart pistol sitting there.
Octane: (if i can just...)
Revenant: "the only reason you're still alive is because i find this vendetta of yours... adorable, except now you care about spare parts more then me, and that's got me curious, why did you change gears so fast?" he gets the silent treatment from Loba and Wraith.
Revenant: "what? are you already bored with me? because if that's the case, I'll just tear you apart right now."

he jumps off the bed with a snarl, landing directly in front of Loba.
Revenant: "as for staging a coup... the other me can have his world. i can't think of anything more pathetic then being king of skinbags... besides you're far more interested... especially you and Luke... you both have something in common... parentless... im i right?" Loba sighs and shook her head.
Loba: "look at that, something we agree on."

Revenant gets right up on Loba's face, but she's not backing down then all the sudden Bangalore enters the room armed.
Bangalore: "your mama never tought you no jumping on the bed, jackass?"
Revenant: "what the-" he looks and see Bangalore, Gibraltar, and Bloodhound steping out of the portal, guns drawn on Revenant.
Bangalore: "looks like our timing's on point, let show this FNG what happens if you don't fall in line."
Revenant: "you skinsuits ruin everything..." he growled as he pull his totem up from the ground.
Bangalore: "nobody touch it!" before he escapes a shot rang but it was too late as Revenant disappeares into thin air.
Octane: "there's go my action."
Bangalore: "who fired?" they look at eachother before hearing something drop and look at the direction of the sound and see Luke's smart pistol on the ground with his arm dangling down.
Wraith: "Luke?" Wraith checks on him only for him to be back into a coma then Loba was angry now Revenant knows what they're up to.
Loba: "damn it, someone is feeding him information!"
Bangalore: "don't be so dramatic this isn't some telenovela, he likes to lurk around and might've heard us talking about the missions."
Crypto: "sounds like something the spy would say to throw us off track." Bangalore shook her head.
Bangalore: "im not even gonna dignify with a response, Rev's just messing with our heads, End of story."
Bangalore: "for now we report back here at 0600 hours and be cautious ladies if that last mission was any indication, this is going to get a lot messier." Loba Marches out, all kinds of mad, and everybody else shuffles out after... well almost everyone. Bangalore taps Octane on the shoulder.
Octane: "that showdown with señor loincloth got me all charged up, and i have to wait a whole night, this blows."
Bangalore: "did you get any proof we need to expose Loba?"
Octane: "yup i got the whole story."
Bangalore: "i need more then that, i need proof."
Octane: "yeah but she was dragging the whole thing out and then Wraith heard what happen to Luke and Wattson and-"
Bangalore: "i need evidence, not excuses, go back to the girl, get what i asked for."
Octane: "but i was thinking Mirage could do that, and i could go through that portal instead-"
Bangalore: "you're not stepping into the portal until you get what i want, that is an order." As Bangalore leaves Octane was thinking of something he's about to say until Lifeline slaps him on the back on the way out.
Lifeline: "quit your whinging, so you don't get to play hero you still have a job to do." now he is alone in the room with a coma Luke and and an unconscious Wattson.
Octane: "do you believe this Wattson? Che is the closes thing to a sister i have... and right know? i kinda hate her."
Wattson: "......"
Octane: "i didn't sign up to be a narc, and 8 didn't lie to my best friend and sneak ahead of two dozen people on a transplant list for these legs, just to end up in "pants" and "long sleeve shirts"." he was silent for a moment then spoke to Luke.
Octane: "say what you want about Revenant, but he does what he wants, when he wants! why can't i?"
Luke: "......"
Octane: "all i want to do is grab a weapon and charge in there and kick some ass... you know what? it's time to get back to basics, jump first think later! don't you know I'm Loco?" he look back at Wattson.
Octane: "last chance to stop me, so who is it going to be?"
Wattson: "......"
Luke: "......"
Octane: "knew you both be on my side, im not coming out until i find Loba's last piece of the artifact, what would possibly go wrong!"



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