Chapter 47: A Little Reunion

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On their way to Storm Point a party was being held for Bangalore's departure and last game... including Revenant as Pathfinder put up a make shift banner with his name.
On the dance floor the one who will be replacing her is Called Newcastle who have been trying out the qualifiers and manage to get the spot on his last try.
At the Bar Bangalore drank a beer and Revenant pops any balloon that comes across him while she watch the new guy on the dancefloor.
Bangalore: "that's the guy replacing me?"
Loba: "are you really leaving?"

Loba approach her as Anita sighs and takes another drink.
Bangalore: "my brother's gone, without Jackson, i got nothing here to live for."
Loba: "so you're just gonna run away."
Bangalore: "i got to go find my family... or what's left of them."
Loba: "you built a Family here."
Luke: "and you torn it apart because you made us look for parts." Luke joins in getting Loba frustrated.
Loba: "forget it."

When she walks away Luke grabs a beer and drank it all in one go.
Luke: "she's saying all that because Revy here is going with you."
Revenant: "damn right." when they announce of their arrival at Storm Point the Legends look at the screen to see who's teams are formed.
Luke is paired with Bangalore and Newcastle as they form up at the hatch opening below.
Luke: "first time?"
Newcastle: "been doing this while man, stay behind me, I'll keep you safe."
Luke: "keep me safe? i can't even-"
Bangalore: "hey can you two shut up and focus this is my last match, not going home without a win."
Luke roll his eyes under his helmet before they jump off and land at a beach.
Newcastle: "something up ahead."
Bangalore: "what the-"
They saw something from afar at the Ocean coming slowly towards the beach then suddenly where Luke and Bangalore are standing the ground arose and open to see Weapons from the IMC which non were used for a while but still in perfect condition.
Luke: "that thing must've triggered some security protocol."
Newcastle: "nothing good can come from this place."
Bangalore: (i swore i said that before...)

He thoughts were interrupted when bullets miss her by inches as the enemy team attacked forcing them to take cover.
Bangalore: "is that shield just for show?"
Newcastle: "stay behind me!" He throw a drone that formed a shield as they retreat into the Armoy before closing the hatch.
Luke: "that was close."
Bangalore: "now this is what im talking about." She she inspects every weapon in store and founds a Havoc and picked it up just as Newcastle makes an attempt to stop her.
Bangalore: "what's your problem!" Unknown to her specters Activated it's security protocol and attack the team.
the last were delt by the duo who Newcastle held it and Bangalore stabbed it through the chest before tossing the bot aside.
Luke: "what can get worst?"

They heard commotion outside saw some sea monster crawling in land roaring.
Luke: "i should've shut my mouth."
Newcastle: "come on." They grab their guns and saw Fuze shoot a mortar at it's face only to have zero affect and pissed it off.
Fuze: "hey i was just kidding mate." in return the Sea Monster swing and hit Fuze before the Legends present open fire at it.
During the battle Pathfinder was caught between its claws and Valkyrie fire her rockets was swat in the air like a fly.
Loba: "Kairi!"
Luke: "fire for affect!!!"
Newcastle notice Bangalore pushing closer to the Monster getting the attention as Lifeline drags the bot to safety but saw it revving some kind of beam. he boosted up and slam down his Larger shield infront of Bangalore before a beam was fired for a long duration taking the brunt of the attack.

Seeing an opportunity Newcastle rallied the Legends pushing forward together seeing the Sea Monster slowly backing into the Ocean.
Newcastle: "let's finish it!" Bangalore pop a flare and toss it to Luke to grab who ran towards the monster.
Once closer Octane throws his Launch Pad for him to gain height and when the Monster open its mouth Luke threw the flare and Wraith opened a Portal for him before the it chomped him.
Next Bangalore's Creeping Barrage impaled into the Monster before the ordnance exploded killing the Monster and ended the battle.

Afterwards the Match was canceled and the the Legends help each other up treating their wounds. Bangalore checks on Valkyrie lean on a with Loba beside her.
Bangalore: "you ok Kairi?"
Valkyrie: "yeah, i had worst."
Loba: "thank you Anita."
Bangalore: "don't mention it." now she has one person to check on and saw Luke helping Newcastle who got injured from the beam as they took cover behind a rock.

When she approached them Newcastle covered a bracelet she recognized and confirm her suspicions.
Bangalore: "you ok?"
Luke: "we did it... that was close."
Newcastle: "my arm is a little banged up... but im fine."
Bangalore: "good... because you got alot to answer for." she removed his helmet to reveal it was her brother alive in the flesh.
Bangalore: "Jackson?"
Luke: "what can get worst..."


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