Chapter 23: Was it... Really Worth it?

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What seems hours knocked out, Luke finally wakes up seeing Wraith's face
Wraith: "wake up sleepy head."
Luke: "what happened?"
Wraith: "you won."
Luke: "what?"
Wraith: "your team won without you."
Luke: "really?"
Loba: "of course but your team work didn't do anything." He sits up and look at Loba."
Luke: "no shit... that experience was weird."
Loba: "then you shouldn't have too it, he nearly got you killed."
Revenant: "maybe i should kill him now-"
Wraith: "or leave him alone, how about that?"
Revenant: "aw how cute, little sister trying to protect big brother, the turntables huh *chuckle*."
Luke: "shut up before i use you for spare parts." they rolled their eyes and ignored him while on they way home.

(Hours Later at night)
(Where The Act Begins...)

In Dark king's Canyon Luke is watching over at The Cage while Wattson, and Pathfinder scout ahead.
Wattson: "i be setting up fences We'll be safe."
Pathfinder: "I'll get going and scout ahead."
Luke: "i got the front covered, stay safe."
Wattson: "i hear you." he load his Triple Take Sniper and scope in to see a pack of Prowlers trying to get through the fence but receive a dose of electricity and die on the spot. Luke fire his gun to take out the rest stragglers only to get attention from more as they run to Lukes position.
Luke: "cyka." Luke pulled out his smart pistol and divert his attention to the barricaded hatch that open and Prowlers attack him as he fend them off before noticing a charge rifle fired inside a building getting the Prowlers attention.
Luke: "what the- he look down and see the animals hitting the fence but this time some manage to get through.

Luke: "i need to get down there." he hops down to leave and exit the cage and fires as he runs into the building and see Wattson injured as she surround herself with electric fences.
Wattson: "im *cough* ill be fine."
Luke: "i got you kid." he bandage her wounds before calling on the radio.
Luke: "guys, Wattson is down i need an pick up."
Loba: "did you find the artifact?"
Luke: "no and nothing from Pathfinder."
Loba: "you have to find the artifact." Luke had enough at this point and retaliated.
Luke: "is that more important then life? fuck you and your artifact!" he cut lines and heard the howls of Prowlers heading towards them and looked at Wattson.
Luke: "listen this will knock you out but you'll be fine when you wake up, help is on the way."

(Wattson's POV)

Wattson felt a slight jab on her leg before he leaves the perimeter of the fence to defend seeing him fire his shots at those blood hungry Prowlers.
Wattson: (i can... still fight...) she tried to pick up her charge rifle but felt the medical affect kicking in hearing the muffled sounds of gunfire then black out every minute... when she open her eyes he is now using his knife and smart pistol firing pointblank range and stabbing them.
Luke: "GET OFF!!!" he then was grabbed by his left arm before getting it ripped off hearing his sceams of pain but shoot the Prowler in return.
Luke: "COME ON IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!!!" she was blacking out again as she slowly watch Luke fought on until he ran out of ammo and immediately was overwhelmed yelling in pain as the Prowlers rip him before more gunfire wipe them out as help arrived closing her eyes... she still hears theit voices.
???: "Miss Paquette, she's unconscious."
???: "Luke oh no- where's his arm?!"
???: "that's not good, he's losing alotta blood..."
Luke: "my... ring..."
???: "he's going into shock, we needa get him back before is too late..."
Wattson: (no...)

(Hours Later/Wraith's POV)

Wraith and Mirage are ezdroping Octane in his date with Yuko listen to their conversation until Wraith's portal open by Octane.
Octane: "uhhhhh i can explain?"
Wraith: "what the-"
???: (something happened, get into the portal.)
Mirage: "hey what's going on, why did you-"
Wraith: "i didn't, no time." she pull Mirage with her and drag Octane too Leaving the terrified Yuko there... then money pop out of the portal before it closes.
Yuko: "oh... thanks?"

When they exit the portal they see Caustic holding Wattson's hand while Lifeline and Gibraltar stabilizing Luke and his horrific injuries seeing his left arm gone, face clawed with his left eye gone... he looked like a dead man.
Wraith: "what happened?"
Gibraltar: "Wattson got injured but unconscious, she will be fine."
Lifeline: "Luke lost so much blood on the way here and when we stopped the bleeding, he went into a coma... his right arm was pretty much damaged and cannot be attached back to him." then Loba enters the room ad Lifeline and Gibraltar immediately leave.

Loba: "don't worry they'll make a full recovery, what matters is finding half-" in a flash she was cut off by Caustic holding her throat and pin her against the wall.
Caustic: "should miss paquette's condition worsens, your face won't be so unrecognizable that you'll be begging me to kill you." she gasp when he lets go of her throat.
her hand pressed to her throat as he storms out of the room. she thought it was over... it was only the beginning as Wraith grab her and brought her to Luke's bed.
Wraith: "see what you did? was it really worth it? to see others get hurt while going after your artifacts, what is it worth to you?" she look at Luke badly injured but remembers his last words.
Loba: "everything..." she lets go of her but still staring at Luke.
Loba: "i..."
Wraith: "i what? i want the souce code is that what you want to say?" her eyes widen and looked at Wraith. before she can answer a third voice was heard... but Wraith was ahead and heard three words.
???: (he's above you.)

Wraith looked up and see Revenant on the ceiling looking at them.
Revenant: "hello girlies, did i miss something *chuckles*." Lobe grab her P2020 and Wraith pulls out her Kunai Knife. Wraith then thought they took the bad path... she was wrong... they took the worst path...

*Deathly Chuckle* Interesting...


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