Chapter 31: PayBack

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Minutes after finding Luke's body, Wraith is out for blood searching for his one of his teammates who teamkilled. not only he killed, they lost this match already.
Bloodhound: "they are somewhere out there."

Wraith: "nobody can kill Rampart except me, i have a few choice words for her." she reloads her gun and took point or... out for blood.
Loba: "i know your mad but we need to come up with a plan for payback."
Bloodhound: "she is right."
Wraith: "fine what is your plan."
Loba: "you don't have a plan?"
Wraith: "your the one who open your mouth."
Bloodhound: "i recomend you should kidnapped one of them before discussing what we should do, perhaps Mirage should be the one."
Wraith: "i guess... i guess that's a good idea, here we go." she starts a trail and runs out into the gunfire passing by Bangalore who was reloading.

Bangalore: "what the-" Wraith phase through and finds Mirage shooting by Rampart coving behind a crate.
Mirage: "you shouldn't have left Luke back there, he would get us out easily."
Rampart: "oh shut it Elliot, i wish i was alone... what? you got nothing to say or-" she notice Mirage was gone... you guys can say, be careful what you wish for.
Rampart: "welp at least i got sheila with me." she mounts her turret and show the enemy combatants what a anger mob of killer bees sound like [Insert Rampart Laugh].
Meanwhile Mirage was surrounded by an angry team and Wraith was holding back from instantly killing him.
Mirage: "hello ladies... look i don't have time to-"
Wraith: "don't even try to escape, i know you, as you can see i haven't slept for a day so you should give me one reason we your not dead yet."

she stares deep into Mirage's soul as he chuckles seeing Loba loading her P2020 and Bloodhound sharpening her hatchet.
Mirage: "because i- eeeee got a pretty face- place don't rip my face!"
Bloodhound: "sorry i prefer scalp heads."
Mirage: "not my head too!"
Wraith: "cut to the chase, where is Luke?"
Mirage: "he uhhhh- he was wacked by Rampart, i want to get him back but she grab me by the arm and pulled me away and dang she has a strong grip on me."
Wraith: "thank you for your corporation."
Mirage: "great can i go now?" she open a portal behind Mirage.
Mirage: "wait i thought-"
Loba: "have a nice day beautiful." and kick Mirage into the portal and now Wraith has a plan for a little payback.
Wraith: "right here is we're going to do..."

(Minutes Later)

Announcer: "three squads left."
Rampart: "come on, is that all you got!" she reloads her sheila and fires again at the Bangalore and Pathfinder hiding behind the houses by Salvage where Rampart is defending alone.
Bangalore: "she got us zeroed real good."
Pathfinder: "my calculations if we use my zipline, she has the upper ground of taking us down within a heart beat... but i don't have a heart beat (Pathfinder sad).
Bangalore: "then let's reposition, on me." She deploys a smoke gernade at the opening and waited for the space to be covered up and ran out from building to building as bullets whistle above there heads. Meanwhile Bloodhound alone was watching the whole time hiding behind a boulder and waited for the right moment.
Bloodhound: "the hunt begin... calling upon natures strength." she activates her ult feeling the power of the beast engulfed into her releasing a roar as she aims down sights with the Kraber and pull the trigger knocking down Pathfinder by exploding his head.

Bangalore looked behind her and immediately launch a smoke on the ground to cover her six as she runs for cover pulling out her Prowler SMG. Bloodhound took out her hatchet and RE45 and push into the smoke while Bangalore looks around before making an attempt to grab Pathfinder's respawn beacon.
Bangalore: "hang on there-" she was cut off finding Altur sitting on him and turn around to find Bloodhound in the air with Hatchet weapon on hand about to strike her.

Announcer: "two squads left."
Rampart: "dang i wonder whos next?"
???: "you are." all the sudden Wraith kicks Rampart off the building and on to the ground where both have a bit of a stand off.
Rampart: "oh look it's-."
Loba: "time for your departure." Loba Snuck up from behind and kick her off her feet and break her neck with her heels.
Loba: "well that plan worked."
Wraith: "wait somethings not right." she notice the match was not over and Bloodhound was not on sight.
Loba: "we should be done by now-"
???: "sniper move!" Wraith quickly tackles Loba to the ground as a bullet pass by Wraith's face leaving a cut and pulled Loba into cover.
Loba: "what was that for!?"
Wraith: "its not over, someone is still alive and Bloodhound maybe knocked out of the match."
Loba: "great... now what do we do."
Wraith: "we finish this." she phases into the open and Loba suppressing fire at the sniper who took cover.
Loba: "im sure she got this under control."

(Wraith's POV)

After phasing she got near the location where she saw Bloodhound's body on the ground with here head backwards. she recognized the signature kill and heard the voice warning her again.
???: "behind you!" she dodge the swing be didn't know about "it" and took a shot to the head taking her out.

???: "sorry... now where's Loba... there you are."

(Loba's POV)

Now alone she tries to teleport out but her bracelet was shot midair destroyed. he curses under her breath and blindly fires in return.
Loba: "damn it, who's still out there, i can't be Mirage he's such a bad shot unless-"
???: "looking for me?" she felt a barrel behind her head and turn around to see a shocking surprise.
Loba: "you."
???: "hello..." *Bang*


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