Chapter 30: A Puppet's end

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It was three weeks ago since "It" was in control. while In the Apex Games, "it" along with Mirage and Rampart they we're at Bunker after wiping out a team and looting the death boxes. "It" was getting annoyed by Rampart brags every minute reminding of Bangalore's knowledge of EVERY weapon and mods to every legend. except Rampart was bragging how she did "all the work" herself... (right).
Rampart: "come on mates, i barely break my back for this."
?Luke: "can you not?"
Rampart: "what's the matter, can't face the facts that we're going to win because of me?"
?Luke: "if your down im not going to pick you up."
Rampart: "really?"
?Luke: "bet, i won't if you keep running your mouth."
Rampart: "ok then." she left the bunker as "It" sighs.
Mirage: "she's... not that annoying Luke."
?Luke: "your a simp aren't you?"
Mirage: "wha- what are you talking about?"
?Luke: "she our meat shield, trust me it sounds disgusting but it suits her."
Mirage: "oh did Revenant influenced you."
?Luke: "no... im more worst then him."
Mirage: "after you man." he followed "It" out the door and find Rampart nowhere to be found until he spots her on top of the hill where she sets up the defenses on top of the building and mounting her Sheila aiming down at the cascades.
Rampart: "come on, here i am!!!" all the sudden she was knocked down by a sniper as she crawled towards the two.
?Luke: "told you."
Mirage: "huh."
Rampart: "hey... mind helping a mate up?"
?Luke: "yeah sure." he kneeled by her and checks on her before giving her a hand up but dropping her again hitting the back of her head.
Rampart: "ow."
?Luke: "oops, fingers slipped."
Mirage: "guys?"
?Luke: "hold let me help you up lass." he did the same thing again as Mirage tries again to get their attention.
Mirage: "alright im laughing hahaha now can we-"
?Luke: "just a second." again he did it for the 3rd time.
Mirage: "hey man we're getting-" he ducks as a bullet flew pass his head.
?Luke: "just a sec."
Rampart: "please stop my head hurts." "It" kept going until a third party comes in then He uses sheila and turn the area into Normandy as they go for cover while Mirage revives Rampart who had bumps on her head.
Mirage: "jeez you ok?"
Rampart: "uuuuhh i drank all the paint."
Mirage: "I'll take that as a yes." she stood up a then fell again. Meanwhile "It" was suppressing fire as Caustic, Crypto and Wattson were pinned down behind the large boulders.
Crypto: "we need to get to that hill, its the only way."
Caustic: "huffm, i know what im doing boy!"
Crypto: "im just telling what we're doing old man."
Wattson: "less talking more shooting."
Caustic: "she is correct-
Wattson: "it doesn't mean your on my side doctor." he sighs. (damn she toxic alright)
at the hill "It" kept on firing but was too cocky to realize every gun has a weakness.
?Luke: "come on you amateurs, i thought this a challenge!"
Mirage: "hey buddy, you wanna go somewhere?"
?Luke: "nope we're fine here, whats the worst that can happen?" right on queue the sheila stop firing seeing ammo count go to zero.
?Luke: "aaaaand i said too soon..." the team that was pinned behind large rocks start the attack as a drone flys over to his position and release an EMP that destroyed all of their defenses and electronics.
?Luke: "welp... come on girl." he picks up Rampart with Mirage in tow running down the hill as the high ground was taken and them shooting at them. when they were out of range from the hill, they stop at a house and sat down Rampart who was regaining conscious and Mirage finding more loot.
?Luke: "ok i admit... i kinda wasn't paying attention."
Mirage: "and i thought i was unlucky."
?Luke: "but i got a resolution, we-" he felt  sudden pain in the back of his head and collapsed with Rampart standing holding a blunt stick.
Rampart: "karma is a bitch, come Elliot we're getting my gun back, he can stay there."
Mirage: "are you sure, he carried you to safety here?" Rampart woth zero F's pulled Mirage out of the hut leaving "It" behind out cold on the floor bleeding from the back of his head the flows out of the cracked floor hearing the puddle below turn red.

(Wraith's POV)

After waiting for Mirage and Rampart leave the hut, Wraith, Loba and Bloodhound slowly creep out from hiding under the hut and waited to ambush "It" but for some reason he was not coming out so they investigate inside to find him dead on the ground with a deathcrate on him.

Loba: "it looks like Rampart got to him first."
Bloodhound: "ain't she and Mirage in his team?"
Wraith: "that damn..." she checked on him seeing a huge gash behind his head and a metal bloody stick on the floor.

Bloodhound: "we have to go the ring is closing."

Loba: "he has nothing useful here, i guess they looted him then left him here."
Wraith: "Elliott better have an excuse for leaving him." Bloodhound and Loba left as Wraith looked back at him before leaving.
Loba: "oh i forgot something." she comes back and quickly gave a kiss to Luke's cheeks leaving a red lip mark on him.
Loba: "don't worry love, we will give them hell for you." she giggles then left on a hurry as the ring closes and enveloped him.
Luke: "help... me..."


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