Chapter 40: A Legacy Continues

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Inside the jumpship, Luke and Bangalore search around for the new legend joining the Game... but she was not sighted anywhere and once they made it to Olympus the hatch opens and the Legends jumped off to their chosen locations.

Bangalore: "is this how we're going to start, we're in a disadvantage."
Luke: "i can fight off a Division with my Titan we'll be fine."
Bangalore: "i can disassemble and reassemble this the Peacekeeper while blindfolded."
Luke: "i can make your girlfriend cum under one minute."
Bangalore: "i can- wait what?"
Luke: "i was testing you of your focused, lets go."

He was the first to jump out flew with Bangalore in tow towards the Carrier. once land they scavenge for weapons and ammo for a fight at the docks.
Bangalore: "you armed?" Luke find a new weapon on the ground a Bocek Bow but unable to find a second weapon he took the bow and pull back the string and release the arrow that penetrate through the crate.
Luke: "better then nothing."

She nods and follows the pilot to the docks where Gibraltar, Loba and, Rampart manage to hold off a party on top of the building with defenses set up and Sheila position for a perfect kill zone.
Rampart: "hey it's PTSD coming towards us, let me at 'em!"
Loba: "shame but more loot for me."
Gibraltar: "ready to let the sky rain."

Rampart lays suppressing fire on the two while Gibraltar mark the area for his bombardment.
Bangalore: "incoming!"
Luke: "run!" the veterans make a hasty retreat back into the ship and hide behind crates while returning fire.
Luke: "just like Zone 18 all over again and our third is still not here."
Bangalore: "maybe this will help."

she pulled out a flare and a bombardment ruin the defenses and took out the squad.
Luke: "nice one."
Bangalore: "i didn't do it."
Luke: "what?" she still had a flare in her hand and notice something landed at the enemy team's position.
Luke: "who can that be?" they rush to what's left of the Team and find a human size titan looting the death crates.
???: "you can have the ground, i own the sky..."
Luke: "it's the fng, you're late."
???: "talking about me?" she removes her helmet and winks.
???: "Valkyrie on station, ready to roll?" she gets ready to redeploy as the ring is closing fast.

(Wraith's POV)

Meanwhile Her and the team escaped from the ambush now at the Power Grid catch their breath (except Pathfinder lol).
Mirage: "that was close, good luck to the ones outside the ring. Wraith looked up to find three people flying over the area.
Wraith: "check high, fire." they aim up and open fire until their magazines are empty.
Pathfinder: "they must be very good at flying."
Wraith: "yeah... let's move, ring's closing."

(Luke's POV)

After land between Hammond Labs to the Southeast and Turbine to the Northwest they saw the chaos as the place is populated for it's open area and surroundings... making it all turn to an actual battlefield.
Valkyrie: "wow what a view."
Luke: "i haven't seen something like this Since Gridiron."
Bangalore: "damn right it is... what are your orders Captain?"
Luke: "defend here, harrass them but don't go on your own."
Bangalore: "roger that."

(A Few Minutes Later)

Luke had a thousand yard stare after fending off a squad for the 5th time with a squad remaining, he uses Rampart's barriers to peek through and saw Wraith and her team hiding inside the Hammond Lab staring right back.
Bangalore: "we can't stay here much longer, rings gonna close on our position."
Luke: "i know."
Valkyrie: "ready for a flight?" together they rode to the sky and fly towards the Lab's roof where they land... but Luke had other plans of his own. instead landing with the group he went thru the entrance on top then enter the lab.
Luke: "let's go..."

(Wraith's POV)

After seeing the last team fly towards they're position, they can hear the footsteps so Wraith conduct a plan to attack.
Wraith: "alright listen up, it's just one team left we're going to catch them off guard so Pathfinder, get them to follow you inside-"
Mirage: "hold up, why can't i do it?"
Wraith: "he can escape faster and dodge bullets better then you."

Mirage jokingly was taken aback as he explains how he's better.
Mirage: "i have you know i got the reflexes of a cat and speed of a Prowler, so i-" all the sudden he got his by a arrow to the knee.
Mirage: "ahhhhh *inhaled* ahhhhh!!"
Pathfinder: "uh oh-"
Mirage: "don't just stand there, hel-" then another arrow hit his other knee as he yells in pain once more.
Mirage: "ahhhhh *inhale* ahhhhh *inhale* AHHHHH *inhale* owie owie owie!!!"
Pathfinder: "are you hurt friend?"
Mirage: "it's in the bone, it's in the bone, i can feel it, please end this pain!"

he fell to the ground before gunfire eruptes forcing them to leave the building and Mirage behind.
Mirage: "don't leave me! don't- *crack*"
Luke: "This bow hits hard."

(Luke's POV)

After finishing off Mirage he watch Wraith and Pathfinder run towards South while bullets whistle above and pass them.
Valkyrie: "following their six!"
Bangalore: "after them!"
Luke: "hey wait up- damn it!" he follow the two and reach at the Solar Array but he notices a couple of ships and a large cruiser in the air. but this was different, it had vines attached or chain together as the Cruiser was slowing heading closer to dock or... docking itself.
Luke: "what the hell is this..."

(Hours Later)

After the Match the Legends and syndicate personnel came to the docks to investigate the unknown cruiser, they scan the ship if there's anything one inside but non we're spotted... just dead corpses of scientists and it's Personnel scattered around the place.

uke: "we got our work cut out for us, ain't seen anything like it."

Wraith: "just be careful."
Luke: "you sound like mom." as they report the investigation Loba turn her attention to Bangalore... she wasn't aware something was moving behind her.
Bangalore: "Andrade! YOUR SIX!!


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