Chapter 37: The Visitor

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(A Month Later)

While a man sits by a fire pit adding wood surrounded by a wasteland of fire with Luke starring at him angrily.
???: "look this was not suppose to happen Sov."
Luke: *growling*
???: "now now Sov, it's been awhile since-"
Luke: "you both ditch me? and now guess what..."

(Earlier at King's Canyon)

Announcer: "he's the master of mayhem, the salvation of salvo, can we give it up for... FUZE!!!" a huge crowd of people as the new legend arrives. Luke, Mirage, Wraith and, Pathfinder watch the ship hover near by.

Mirage: "someone's clearly compensating... it's a big boat though."
Wraith: "right..." she notices Luke's eyes were twitching.
Wraith: "you ok?"
Luke: "never been better." they saw Fuze holding his motar and aim at the crowd then launch nessie dolls at the crowd. a doll hits Luke on the head and he caught it.
Wraith: "oh thanks for..." she saw him tear the doll in half and drop it and growl.
Wraith: "never mind."
Mirage: "you know him?"
Luke: "murder in my mind."

Meanwhile Fuze began his introduction after touching down near land.
Fuze: "G'day King's Canyon, how about we start this party on the Outlands-" all the sudden a cargo bot drops infront of Fuze as the crowd gasped the large screens change yellow and Salvo symbol with an unknown voice speaking.
???: "Walter Fitzroy..." Fuze Cursed under his breath.
Fuze: "... Maggie."
Maggie: "legends bring me this traitor's other arm or say goodbye to your precious little game."
Fuze: "oh come on Maggie, these people come to see a show!" the crowd cheered again until all rail guns under unknown circumstances are activated.
Maggie: "then let's give them a show." all the guns fire at the crowd as as panic inserts.
Fuze: "no!"

Meanwhile Luke and the others watch as the guns are targeting civilians as they ran.
Mirage: "that's not great."
Wraith: "we have to run!" Luke's instincts and adrenaline kick in as he grab Pathfinder and held his arm to shoot out a zipline at the ship.
Pathfinder: "already ziplining friend?"
Wraith: "what are you-
Luke: "no time to explain!" he rode the zipline and made it on top of the deck where Fuze punch through the console with his prosthetic hand to drop a gernade and destroy the gun's controls.
Maggie: "well play wally." he looks at the screen below him and out of nowhere Luke tackles Fuze and has his hands around his neck.
Luke: "why are you here!?"
Fuze: "i don't believe- gah- it."
Maggie: "that voice... it's been awhile Sov, care to help me?" he looked at the red screen.

Luke: "after i rip out his other arm, im going to find you and use it to shove up your ass!"
Maggie: "bring it to me after this, finally..." he didn't know what she met as he heard explosions at the mountains then all the sudden a very large explosion that destroyed the whole mountain that caused rocks and boulders flying at every direction.
Luke and Fuze stood up as a large boulder crash into the ship causing it to descend high speed.
Fuze: "looks like we're going down!"


Fuze: "yeah that entrance... got a bit out of hand eh?" he looks behind him seeing the crashed ship burning.
Luke: "tell me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you?" he loads rounds into a pistol magazine while staring at Fuze.
Fuze: "I'll tell you later after this mate."
Luke: "wrong answer!" he jump over the fire pit and proceed to choke Fuze again.
Luke: "I'll kill you, drag you out of hell and kill you again, and skull fuck that old hag when i find her!!!" all ths sudden they got ambush by heavy gun fire by Rampart's Sheila and Bangalore. both Luke and Fuze took cover behind some rubble.
Fuze: "oi real talk, let's win this match, eh?"
Luke: "for fuck sakes!!!"


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