Chapter 26: Boosted

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In the next day The Legends Prep for the next match at the new Meltdown or new dawn as the legends drop to there destinations. Luke and his team Wraith and Caustic over look the areas.
Wraith: "where are we going to drop at?"
Causic: "hm... there's the new Launch Site over there, lets investigate that location."
Wraith: "alright, Luke shall we... Luke?" she turns and see Luke was gone.
Wraith: " *sigh* where did he go?"
Caustic: "he's heading towards the location." she sees his trail heading towards the location as the two follow behind him.
Wraith: "what is he doing?" he lands first and enters the station while Wraith and Caustic loot the other side before joining Luke who has the new Volt SMG.
Wraith: "how are we going to play this?"
Luke didn't day a single word then head towards the train station searching for a team to attack.
Wraith: "wait for us will you?!" Luke didn't say a word and ignore her as he spots Rampart showing off her Legendary skin on the wingman to Loba and Pathfinder.
Rampart: "see, now thats my style."
Loba: "i mean, it looks good but-" she glanced by Ramparts shoulders and see Luke heading towards them.
Loba: "we should go now."
Rampart: "why?" asking why as bullets fly pass by Rampart as she goes for cover and peeks to see Luke running towards her.
Rampart: "hey." she fires back at Luke who immediately goes prone and fire.
Loba: "get us out of here robot."
Pathfinder: "who's ready to fly out on a zipline?" he shoots out a rope and they bail out of the fight. Luke was about to follow him but two teams fired at him forcing him to fall back.
Wraith: "god damn it." Caustic drops gas canisters then fires at the attackers as Luke takes cover by Wraith.
Wraith: "why the hell did you go after them?" she look at his blue light visors on his helmet looking straight back at her.
Wraith: "hey-"
???: (somethings wrong with him.)
Wraith: (huh?)
Caustic: "we must retreat to another location and find a way around." the three immediately retreat to the split city on the west side and regrouped at the rooftop of the building.
Caustic: "that was close."
Wraith: "Luke, you have still not explain what you we're doing." they looked at Luke who was clutching his head like someone just hit him then suddenly drops to the ground floor and heads back to the train station into the tunnel instead.
???: (something is controlling him.)
Wraith: "we should back him up." Caustic Sighs and both follow Luke through the train tunnel and see Bloodhound's team Fighting Revenant's team.
Caustic: "what ever he's doing he's either smart or trying to get himself killed."
Wraith: (or both.) Luke first attacks the closest team to him. he sees Gibraltar's shield dome and Bloodhound knocked down and Lifeline reviving her with a drone seeing an opportunity to attack them as he enters the shield dome and exit it.
Gibraltar: "hey what the-"
Lifeline: "uh oh." they noticed and saw a couple of gernades where they are standing at before it explodes knocking them out of the match as Wraith and Caustic made it to the death boxes.
Caustic: "miraculous."
Wraith: "what the- Luke wait!" Meanwhile Revenant was charging towards Luke who was on his way.
Revenant: "get out of my way skin suit!!!" he form his hand into a sharp needle then attempt to stab Luke but he dodges his attack and up close fires into Revenant and penetrate through his chest and fire at Wattson wiping the team out as he drop Revenant down and shot at his head for good measures then see the zipline and use it to get to where they are going and follow the trail.
Wraith: "Luke stop where you are!" he ignored her and disappeared behind the mountain making her sigh.
Wraith: "he didn't even touch a death box... what is he up to?"
Caustic: "i don't know but it seems he's going after Miss Andrande."
Wraith: "can't blame him for that..." She nearly got him killed...

(Luke's POV)

As he follow the trail he heard gun shots and stop on top of the hill and see Loba and her team under attack by Mirage, Octane, and Crypto sending an EMP to knock out of their shields and barricades.
Luke decided if he should go for Loba or the attackers. if he goes for Loba he would be attacked and eventually have his new position over runed... he goes for the attackers and getting closer to Crypto who was distracted on his drone then he broke his neck that faced behind his back... then tried to shoot but ran out of ammo for the Volt SMG and quickly looked Crypto's death box and pulled out a Kraber then aim into the scope to take out Octane who was running back to Crypto landing near Luke then see Mirage activate his Holos.
Mirage: "try to find me buddy!" he watching every Mirage holo's moves trying to find out who's the real Mirage until he notices something under Crypto's Jacket and finds a Mirage antic and throws it out in the open and see the real Mirage catching the antic.
Mirage: "got ya- *bang*" Luke wipes out Mirage's squad and peeks over to Loba's position to be pinned down by Rampart's mounted machine gun.
Rampart: "come out come out where ever you are!!!"
Loba: "you lost this battle, just give up!"
Wraith: "we're coming Luke!!!" he looks where Wraith and Caustic are come from
as Rampart aims at a different direction and fires at them getting the opportunity to push up to the next cover to be shot at again.
Caustic: "it's too far for me to deploy my gas gernades."
Wraith: "damn it, what did you got yourself into?" she watches Luke as he pulls a pin gernade then drops it.
Wraith: "Luke what are you-!"

(Loba's POV)

Loba and Pathfinder shoot at Luke's position while Rampart cause havoc at his team who are on the other side. she notice she's on her last clip of ammo so she pulls out her staff and plant it on the ground as the staff expands into a black market and took out ammunition for her weapons.
Loba: "shop's open for business." Rampart looks over and gets off her gun to find what's useful.
Rampart: "mind operating sheila for me?"
Loba: "sure, i love to use a big gun like that." they switch places as she burst fires the gun at Luke.
Rampart: "im going for gernades."
Loba: "we might need them." she takes out a gernade but notice the pin was gone.
Rampart: "i did not know there's impact gernades." Loba stopped and look at what Rampart has on her hand.
Loba: "wait there's no impact gernades."
Pathfinder: "oh let me use those new item."

(Luke's POV)

Luke waited after the gernade he pulled the pin with disappeared from the ground and watch the gernade explode at Loba's Position ending the match.
Announcer: "winner decided..." Luke got up from cover feeling the pain in his head stopped before he collapses to the ground.
Meanwhile Wraith and Caustic watch him collapse immediately she ran next towards him and took off his helmet seeing what his face looks like for the first time.
Wraith: "my god... what happen to you..."

(Hours Later at Night)

As Loba gets ready for bed until the door opens. she turns to see Luke with his helmet on still looking at her with its blue light visors.
Loba: "look who decided to show up, it seems you-" she was interrupted by Luke who pins her on the bed and hold her by the wrist.
Luke: "your so going to suffer for what you did to me..."


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