Chapter 42: Catching Our Cure

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Hours after the Vines attack, there been reports of civilians showing symptoms of the Virus.  The Legends with Dr. Somers (Horizon) hatch a plan to learn about the cure and know where to find it.
Juno: "on Gaea there was a Militia military base, i and the Captain were there for a month but the only thing attacking us was not IMC but Carthage Spiders, large and deadly when in groups and know how to hide and ambush, later the order was given to abandoned the base after losing 1,000 troops including 25 pilots and lost hundreds more in the process."
Horizon: "then we have to find the itty bitty spiders."
Juno: "they're not itty bitty doc..."

Meanwhile at the hospital there is a smalll crowd with people old and young infected with this unknown Virus. Luke watch from the window his daughter fallen into a coma besides Bangalore awake and aware of what's going on.
Bangalore: "how long will it take?"
Luke: "less then 36 hours at maybe 500 hours tomorrow."
Bangalore: "affirmative, I'll keep eyes on the girl." with a nod he walks out but notice Yueying sulking at her seat worried.
Luke: "hey everything will be all fine."
Yueying: "the doctor said i couldn't get pregnant, so is our lucky child grow up just to go through this?"
Luke: "don't say that, doctors are stupid sometimes, im going to get that  antidote and she'll be fine when she wakes up." He kisses her forehead and have a moment together before leaving for his mission."

Later on a jumpship with Luke, Valkyrie, Loba, Bloodhound, Fuse, Crypto, Wraith and, Caustic casually sat while Loba is on the phone with security for Bangalore's and Sasha's protection.
Luke and Juno are on the pilot seats after setting the jump to the planet Gaea and made it to the atmosphere. Caustic and Crypto arguing a bit about something... or someone.

Wraith: "how long till landing?"
Juno: "less this 5 minutes, this is the last place i don't want to be."
Fuze: "oi lighten up mate, we'll just bag three of them nasty buggers then leave, that's our job eh?"
Luke: "arm up everyone, be prepared and she need these spiders alive."
Loba: "surly you know where we're landing?"
Luke: "here."

Once they land he open the doors and exit having their foot on a platform finding an abandoned base covered in vegetation and wild life.
Valkyrie: "is this the place?"
Juno: "welcome to firebase hope... or was."
Bloodhound: "we'll split up, I'll stay with Fuse."
Loba: "Valk is with me."
Caustic: "the boy comes with me... we have things to discuss..." Crypto roll his eyes.
Luke: "Renee with me, Juno you're on guard duty."
Juno: "on it, keep in touch"
Bloodhound: "remember the spiders like moisture, they'll be nearby so be careful..."

(Later, Wraith's POV)

Searching a perfect spot, Wraith followed Luke with his Smart Pistol on his holster climb up a mountain while talking to eachother.
Luke: "careful while climbing up, winds will pick up time to time."

Wraith: "i am... what was our parents like back then?"

Once they reach to the top they took a quick break and sat.
Juno: "dad was a worker at the mill and mom... she was the best i had, but you shouldn't seen babushka."
Wraith: "babushka?"
Luke: "nana, she was tough as nails one time i was 8 years old coming back from school i was getting robbed by older kids, i didn't know what to do and started crying, while mocking me she must've heard my wails and came in then choked out one of them while the others ran away, god bless her soul... she died in her sleep... it was peaceful."

Wraith leans back against the rocks then suddenly fell back breaking through the mountain.
Luke quickly pull out his weapon and enter the hole and found her on the ground.
Luke: "you ok?"
Wraith: "yeah im fine, it's dark." he turn on his helmet's flashlight finding a cave going deep. he can feel the cold air breezing through.
Luke: "you found a shortcut, we'll just go through and see what's on the otherside.
Wraith: "maybe."

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