Chapter Fifty Six

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Chapter Fifty Six w/ note :

Vivian's P.O.V

"Your bread sticks will be right out in a moment," the waiter collected our menus and flashed us a small grin before walking away with his black note pad and pen. I looked down at my silverware and straightened the fork and knife on the napkin. I hate it when some people are so lazy and clumsy that they just throw the silverware on the table and not take the time to nicely straighten it out.

"They look cozy over there," I looked up to see Louis glancing over at Aria and Harry's table. A smirk was playing on Louis lips.

Harry and Aria were sitting at a table that was on the otherside of the room. The reason for that is because there was not table available to fit all of us, and there so happened to be a table open for two people. Harry opened up his big mouth and told the hostess that he would take the table for two, and would dine with Aria, who had no say in anything. Luckily, she agreed and didn't complain.

I also looked over at the table. The two of them were smiling at each other, and were distracted in their own conversation.

"Their romance is currently going in a slow, steady pace," Kyla's hair was in a Katniss Everdeen braid, "I'm trying my best not to fangirl over Haria. It's very rare to see the two of them smiling and actually talking to each other without them fighting and screaming."

"Who won the contest?" Charlie asked changing the topic of the conversation, "Hopefully it is a dedicated directioner who won't try to steal Louis away from me," Louis' face turned a light shade of pink, and Niall smirked at him, "I'm joking. But seriously, that girl doesn't want to get on my bad side."

"Her name is Laura-" Liam got cut off by Niall.

"Laura Daniels to be exact," Niall grinned, "The one and only Liam Payne fan."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Can you stop thinking that it is Megan's sister? It's not her, so drop it."

"It could be her."

"It won't be."

"If it won't be, then let's make a bet," Niall suggested, "If it it her, then you have to take Vivi out to someplace fun. If it's not her, then I will put a pair of seven inch heels on and walk around the hotel while Louis video tapes me, talking about how posh I am."

"Why did you add me in there?" I asked. I was a bit shocked, "Shouldn't it be someone else?"

"I have reasons, Vivi," Niall shot me a nonflirty wink, and sent Liam the same smirk he sent Louis. Liam sent a death glare at Niall.

"Liam, don't send glares to Niall," Kyla said when she saw the evil glare in Liam's brown eyes, "He is a perfect snowflake who shouldn't be getting evil glares from one of his best friends."

"Kyla, can you just stay out of-" Liam was cut off.

"He's my boyfriend," Kyla began, "And it would not be nice if you kill him with an evil look in your eyes. He is too young to die."

"I don't want him to-"

"You, Louis, Harry, and Zayn all said that you would let Niall kill you, and you would never kill him," Kyla crossed her arms, "Niall is a perfect little leprechaun who loves food. If he dies, there will be alot of directioners angry with you."

"Kyla, I wasn-"

"Drop it, please?" I begged Kyla, "I know you love Niall, and he loves you, but you don't have to give Liam a lecture about how he shouldn't kill Niall. Why would he kill Niall anyway? There would be no Niam Horayne left, and murdering someone is a sin. Can you see Liam kill someone? He is afraid of a spoon, so how can he kill someone?"

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