Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two w/ note :

Megan's P.O.V (This is rare)

I sat on the bed in my hotel room while googling ways to tell someone that you're pregnant on Google. Yes, I was that desperate that I was googling how to tell my boyfriend that I was pregnant with his kid. I never had to do this before, and always thought that I would have a kid when I was married and at least have a job.

I heard some laughs and conversations coming from outside in the hallway. The boys were back at the hotel. I looked over at the door, shut my laptop's lid, and got up. I started pacing back in forth. My palms were sweating, and I was nervous. Really nervous. I took a deep breath, and the door opened.

"Zayn!" I exclaimed, "How was the interview?"

"Good," Zayn replied, "But Louis is all mad at the interview-"

"Can I tell you something?" I asked cutting him off. He nodded, and shut the door. He walked closer over to me and looked me in the eye, "I...I don't really know how to say this...bu-"

"Meg, what's wrong?"


"Woah, slow down," Zayn chuckled a little, "Can you repeat that?"

I sighed, "Zayn, I think I'm pregnant."

I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I thought Zayn would yell, faint, or even walk away and be stressed out. But instead he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, "It's alright. Is it mine?" his voice was a little shaky.

"Of course it is," I nervously laughed, "I took three tests and they all said positive."

"How did you get the tests?" Zayn asked, "Don't tell me Charlie buys hundreds of those too..."

"No," I laughed, "I got them when I bought Niall food."

There was an awkward silence. Then Zayn broke the peace, "Do you want to tell the lads?"

"Sure," I said, "It will effect them, too. I mean, your management will hate me even more-"

"Don't say that," Zayn said, "It's also my fault. Not all yours. Everything will be fine."

"We've been only dating for a few monthes and I'm already pregnant."

"And Louis told us to use protection."

"We were both drunk, Zayn. We went to a club, and came back here. We were lucky we didn't have a one night stand with a total stranger."

"Do you want to tell them? Or me?" Zayn asked stroking my back. I sighed again, "We don't have to tell them."

"But I want to tell them," I said pulling away from him, "They should know that one of their best friends is going to be a father."

"When should we tell-" Zayn was cut off by a knock at the door. Zayn turned around and opened the door, revealing Louis and Harry, "What do you two want?"

"Harry needs help. He thinks all my ideas are whack," Louis said. What were they talking about? Ideas for what?

"Ideas for what?" Zayn asked before I could. I walked up over to the door, behind Zayn, "Don't tell me you-"

"I'm thinking about asking Aria out on a real date," Harry said, "And Louis keeps saying I should make it huge. Like a helicopter ride or something like that."

"What about bowling?" I suggested.

"Too much competition," Louis said, "And Aria isn't afriad of heights like Zayn. Haz, she will remember that date so well if you do that!"

"She still remembers every detail about our so called date," Harry looked at the ground, "I still don't even know how to ask her."

"Aww," Zayn cooed, "Harry is nervous about asking Aria out on a date."

"Shut up, Malik," Harry looked up and sent Zayn a death glare, "How did you even get to ask Megan out?"

"We went to Starbucks," I answered for Zayn, "Wasn't too special."

"As long as you use protection, we're good," Louis said turning to his curly friend, "Use protection."

"Talking about using protection..." Zayn's voice trailed off as he looked at me, "Megan is pregnant."

Niall's P.O.V

"Li, how long have you liked Vivian?" I asked as we both walked into our hotel room. Liam looked at me with wide eyes. His face was red, "What?"

"How do you know I like Vivian?" Liam asked.

"So, you admit it?" I smirked as I walked over to the couch and sat down. Liam was still frozen, "Just ask her out."

"It's not that easy, Ni," Liam sighed, "I just met Vivian a few days ago. I can't just ask her out now. With my luck she'll say no."

"Just kiss her," I shrugged, "I kissed Kyla and we're together."

"Do you know how bad that sounds?" Liam said turning around and walking over to the couch, taking a seat beside me, "You kissed Aria. Kissing causes too many problems."

"Harry kissed Aria."

"And do you see how well their relationship is going? It's full of hate, and there is barely any love."

"Zayn just asked out Megan when both of them found out they liked each other, and talked things through. And they have bigger problems now; bigger problems, I mean a HUGE problem," I emphasized the word 'huge'.

"What problem?" Liam's face was colored with confusion. I sighed.

"Megan being pregnant."

"What? How do you know that?"

"When Megan bought food, she must've bought a pregnancy test, too, because it showed up on the receipt," I explained, "THREE PREGNANCY TESTS!" I said louder than expected, "I don't think Zayn knows about any of that yet."

"Wow," Liam shook his head, "I know that no one should ever listen to Louis, but when he tells you to use protection, you should listen. He told them many of times."

"Take her to Disney or something," I said with a shrug, "You like Disney. Vivian likes Disney."

"How do you know this stuff? Are you a stalker or something?"

"I'm only guessing, Li. Just ask her out."

"Niall, it's not that easy," Liam said, "She's different. Vivian is-"

"The one for you," I cut him off, "If you want you two to be together, you have to to-get-her."

Liam looked to be in a big thought after I said that. I was about to say something else, like don't listen to me because I'm not the advice giver on love and that he is...but there was a knock on the door. I bolted up, and opened the door.

"ZEGAN BABIES!!!" Harry and Louis said in unison. Megan and Zayn stood behind them, looking annoyed.


Sorry if this chapter is crap. My parents let me use their laptop for a while, and I'm watching a TV show while typing this...and that show deals with nothing that this story deals with. The Question and Answer will be posted soon...maybe on Monday or Sunday. So stay tuned.

 I thought of a middle name for Zara, but still have no idea for Ariana.

Zara Sofia Malik or Ariana ? Malik.

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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