Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty w/ note :

"And it was in the rain," Kyla put her hand over her heart and fell onto her bed, "That is so romantic. So, when is the wedding?"

"Oh, God, Kyla," I threw a pillow at her, "This is why I keep my love life private, and making sure you never find out about it."

"I can just picture it now," Kyla's eyes were wide as she sat straight up on her bed, "Harry and Aria Styles. Mrs. Harry Styles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles. The Haria couple gets married!"

"Shut up," I blushed, "It's not a big deal, so stop making it seem like one."

"It is a big deal!" Kyla exclaimed, "You and Harry are meant to be! It was fate that made it rain! It's fate that you two are together now!"

"We're not together."

"Well, you're 'friends'," Kyla put air quotes around the word 'friend', "I call being the maid of honor!"

I rolled my eyes. We were both sitting in our hotel room, which you probably guessed already, and the boys were doing a radio interview. Paul was with them, and Lou and Lux had gotten a room on the same floor as us. They were next to Niall and Liam.

"Now, what colors do you want for the wedding?" Kyla asked with a smile that went to ear to ear, "Who is going to be in the wed-"

"God, Kyla," I rolled my eyes again, "Can't you ever shut it? We haven't even gone on a first date, and you're already thinking and talking about weddings?"

"You're life is like a romantce novel," Kyla said looking me in the eye. She had to hop on her bum so she could face me, "Someone should write about how you met Harry, and how Harry met you, and your little, secret feelings for each. Oh! And have Taylor Swift write a song! She is a good song writer...and so is Ed Sheeren! Oh my-"

"You're very, very, very annoying," I laughed shaking my head, "I wonder how Niall gets you to shut up."

Kyla glared at me, "I'm just excited."

"For what? Nothing is going to happen," I sighed.

"Says the girl who was reunited with her true love," Kyla said. Why was she being all dramatic? She is taking things way to far, "That day Harry kissed you was when all the magic happened. You two met because of fate-"

"No, it was because Louis took the last bag of carrots."

"And he followed you into the hotel. He kissed you in front of the elevator, and that was the kiss that started it all-"

"And ruined it all."

"Then you became best friends with THE Niall Horan-"

"I met him way before that. I ran into him at the airport, and when I told you, you started fangirling."

"And THE Liam Payne, along with THE Zayn Malik. You met Megan Daniels, who was your best friend whilst in London. You two went on adventures with them-"

"Me and her sister did. She had to work."

"Can you stop cutting me off?" Kyla asked, "I'm trying to tell a story."

"An inaccurate version of the story," I scoffed, "You're telling it wrong."

"This is my point of view, Aria. Not yours. So butt off," Kyla glared at me again, "This is how I saw things and remembered how I was told them. You barely gave me any detail."

"Because you would end up blogging about everything," I replied, "And I didn't want people to start trending Haria all over twitter and tumblr. It would be insane."

"And awesome."

"Says the girl who gets hate everyday because she is dating Niall."

"Some fans are really nice!" Kyla said offending the directioners, "I used to give thousands of tweets to Danielle about how pretty she was, and how Liam should just propose to her! But then they broke up!"


"You know nobody," Kyla shook her head, "She was Liam's girlfriend...but they broke up. Now I'm wanting Liam to propose to Vivi."

"But you just said that you wanted Liam to propose to Dani-"

"That was before I knew One Direction personally and started dating a member of the band," Kyla explained, "My parents don't even know that I'm dating Niall. All they know is that I'm dating a guy from Ireland who plays the guitar."

"Didn't you tell that same story to Jenna, Gabby, MacKenzy, and Andrea?"

"No. I told them that I was dating some foreign guy with an accent."

"Same thing."

"No it isn't. The four of them think he's British, when seriously, he isn't."

"Why don't you tell your mom and dad about Niall?" I asked, "And that you are with him in Orlando, instead of some beach in Miami?"

"Why don't you ever talk to your mom and plan fun mother/daughter stuff?" Kyla retorted.

"She is barely home, and we both know that she would rather be in Toronto than be hanging out with me."

"Just because she is a fashion designer, doesn't mean that she cares more about clothes than you."

"I bet she doesn't even know my middle name."

"I bet you she is thinking that you are met for Harry, too," Kyla smirked.

"Can you drop that already?" I whined.


I know this is short, and I'm sorry if it sucks. I wanted to make a new cover, but for some reason it isn't changing it to it. If you want to see the new cover, it's on the side. Rae started writing her own story. It is about a gymnast who goes to London for the Olympics and meets One Direction.

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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