Q&A with the Characters

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Q&A with the Characters of TOD and Hide and Seek :

Kat : The first question is from @waffles05, "Harry, do you have a favorite joke?

Louis : Really? That isn't a serious question!

Kat : Not all these questions are serious, Lou.

Louis : But this is a serious story! There should be serious questions!

Niall : This is a serious book? I thought it was a One Direction fan-fiction. Where have I been?

Zayn : Kissing Aria.

Kyla : What?

Niall : Nothing...

Kat : So, Harry, what is your favorite joke? @waffles05 is dying to know.

Harry : Hmm...this is a hard question. I will go with...the one that Louis says with the mushroom with the party!

Aria : What joke with the mushroom with a party?

Charlie : Seriously? Have I taught you nothing?

Kat : Can you please discuss this later? We don't have time for fighting. Besides, you both are fictional characters and if you throw a punch it won't do anything.

Louis : Yeah, you'll just grow whatever fell off your body back. Like Sponge Bob!

Charlie : Are you really comparing me to a sponge?

Louis : Yeah, got a problem with that "Dancing Queen"?

Charlie : Only real people can call me that!

Louis : I'm real, you're not.

Charlie : Fine, then normal people!

Megan : I don't think anyone is normal...

All the guys from 1D : Are you insulting us?

Megan : No, it's just that-

Kat : Let's get back to the questions! The next question is from @MissFictionFairy, "Kyla, besides school and Niall you have other intrests, right? Right?"

Kyla : I have other intrests! Like shopping, checking twitter, reading what my friends who don't have fun lives put on facebook, and billions of other things!

Aria : Billions?

Kyla : Fine, millions.

Vivian : Millions?

Kyla : Alright, alright! A thousand! That's the lowest I'm going!

Louis : If you are counting "having a social life" that doesn't count because you don't have one.

Kyla : You better watch your mouth, Tommo.

Niall : Why isn't Louis this sassy in the book?

Kat : I really don't know the answer to that, Nialler.

Louis : How come?

Kat : Because I just don't. If I acted as sassy as you do, Louis, then I would be kicked out of my house and having to live on the streets.

Louis : That's sad.

Zayn : Yeah, your family must be awful.

Kat : My family isn't awful...well, maybe my siblings are, but my parents aren't.

Vivian : I also have a question. Why is Louis all serious in this book, when he isn't in real life?

Kat : It's fictional. Anything can happen.

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