42. Make It Right

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"H-hello? Melanie? It's me.. Cinta.."

"Cinta! It's so great to hear from you, my dear! How are you? Are you still in Seoul?"

"I'm good and yes, I'm in Seoul now.."

"How long are you gonna stay in there?"

"Until March, uh next spring.."

"Wow, that's great.. I'm very proud of you, Cinta."

"Thank you.."

A silence falls between the line.

"I'm sorry to call so late, is it almost midnight in London?"

"Not at all, I'm very happy to hear from you." She paused, "Listen.. I know we need a lot of catch up to do but about your father, there is something you need to know."

"Yes.. I'm all ears. That is actually why I called. I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond."

"It's okay, dear. I understand."

The truth is, Melanie is very nice and warm. I personally don't have problem with her, but I just don't get along and probably didn't want to get along few years back. After talking it out with Younggi, I did a self reflect and maybe it's time to change that. He believe that I would make the right decision and he's right. This does feels right.

"So how is he?"

She sighs, I can hear her heavy breath over the line. As if she couldn't handle the burden anymore.

"Your father is very sick, Cinta. He has stage 4 lung cancer. It's been almost almost 5 months now.."

Her words breaks me. It feels like the time has stopped and I don't know how to process this. Dad has cancer?

I'm numb before I can feel my body getting hot and the room starts to spin, my eyes darts everywhere to find a place to sit.

"Dad has cancer? When, how? Is he.. is he okay now?"

I feel dizzy, my palms are sweating and I can feel panic is about to take over. It's back and I can't breathe even though I try to calm myself but it won't work as tears are about to fall from my eyes.

"Cinta.. I'm afraid your father doesn't have much time."

"What, no! Don't say that! We don't know for sure, right? Is he treated right? Do you need money for the treatment because I can help you." Says me, voice is shaking as I cry.

"Oh, Cinta.. he is treated well. But you know the chances are very small when it comes to stage 4 cancer. And you don't have to worry about money, dear."

I'm suffocating and out of words. Almost hyperventilating. I just sit there, sobbing on the phone followed by Melanie moments later. She couldn't bear by the thoughts of me crying, after all that's happened to me and my family.

"So what should I do?" asks me, trembling.

"I know you're busy, dear. But if you could talk with him that'll be really nice.."

"I'll come visit, I'll find a way.." Says me. A phone call wouldn't be enough, I have to see him.

While I can.



The boys invited me for breakfast at their place before they leave work. I refused at first, but they insist. I can imagine Jun would drag me from my place to his if I don't go there.

I sit in the middle of the group, between Nick and Taeyong. After hearing the news, I don't really have an appetite so I just play around with my food and sip my coffee once in a while. Thinking when should I go back to London with all the work going on. I need to at least settle things first before I leave. That includes waiting for news about Han Yuri, the other artist, to see if she decided to jump in or not.

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