50. Location Unknown

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It's a cloudy morning in Seoul. The sun is nowhere to be seen as it's covered by the gray clouds.

It's so far away, Nick thinks.

That morning, Nick is at his balcony watching the gray sky who doesn't make a promise for its rain. It's dark and cold, but the color reminds him of Silver. Her gaze, her adorable laugh, her sketching routine every morning, even her smirk when she's being skeptical. Then he look at the chair next to him where he remembers their first kiss. He felt a small sting in his chest, can't help but missing her.

She never felt so far away, he thinks.

The morning felt a bit off without Silver's presence. Silver's been MIA ever since her arrival in London and they have no clue of what's going on. They also couldn't help but think about what happened before their concert and wondering if she changed her mind.

"Ah! Why did I make egg toast? I forgot Silver's not here." Jun whines from the kitchen.

The boys are aware that each of them is getting worried about her, Jun included.

"I'll eat them, hyung. Don't worry." Jake offers, taking a plate of toast that Jun made. Attempting to make him feel better.

"Hyung, have you heard anything from Silver?" Taeyong's eyes brightens when he sees Nick who's just came from the balcony.

"No, I haven't heard anything since her last message on the group." His face is stern.

"I texted and called her too but no replies." Jamie adds. Sitting on the dining chair.

"Same here." Hosung chimes in and others nods, as if they've been through the same thing.

A pause fills the room.

Taeyong sighs before he ask again, "Why do you think she ignores us?"

No one answers.

"Do you think she's abandoning us after what happened?" Jake hesitantly ask, revealing his insecurity in those brown eyes. Jake has been so sensitive and crumbly after what happened with Ayeong and Silver, especially after Silver left. He felt responsible for the whole drama that happened.

The other members kept being supportive and tried to make him feel better, but Jake's not really in a good state. He's insecure that Silver would leave him because he didn't tell the truth.

Others frowns in disagreements.

"No, that's not her. She wouldn't do that." Jun counters the maknae.

"But what if she is?" Jake presses.

Younggi, who is quiet this whole time finally speaks, "She wouldn't. Something must've happened to her. I can tell." He deadpans. Arms crossed, sitting on Silver's spot. He miss her as much as everyone does.

Nick sighs. The leader rubs his head in frustration.

"Should we make a video call all together? See if she picks up?"

All the boys nods then the leader immediately takes his phone and make a video call.

The boys all gathered in one spot behind Nick, patiently waiting for her appearance. Patiently and nervously waiting to see her face, her voice, her smile and hoping to just talk to each other. Telling her how much they miss her and making sure she's okay.

But nothing happen.

She didn't pick up the call.

The boys silently goes back to their seats, resuming their breakfast without further discussion. Sinking themselves into questions inside their heads.

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