56. That's Life

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The bright light that strikes through the curtain woke me up. I barely get any sleep yet it's morning time already. Although Jake was comforting me the entire night, my heart wasn't at ease. Too much going on inside my head since my last night; the party, Sungjin, and my conversation with Jake. I look to my side and see Jake sleeping peacefully. At this state he won't be waking up even if there's an earthquake. I kiss him on the forehead before slipping out to have a shower.

My stomach's grumbling as I'm showering, realizing that thinking too much made me hungry. Slippin' out of the shower, I check my phone to see few texts from the boys on the group chat.

Nick: Morning, babe. Are you awake?

Silver: Morning! I just got out of the shower.

Taeyong: Where are youuuu? :(

Silver: I see someone's awake! I'm in Jake's room, babe.

Taeyong: I miss youuu, come heree.. 🙃

Jun: Hi, let's eat breakfast!

Younggi: Me and Jun hyung are downstairs already.

Silver: I'm hungry, Tae.. let's have breakfast together :)

Taeyong: I'm still sleepy and my head hurts, but.. okay I'll be down in a minute.

Hosung: Morning! 🌞🌞

Silver: Oh, another one wakes up!

Hosung: Lol! I'm still hungover :( I bet Jamie's still sleeping like the dead.

Jun: You two should eat hungover soup. But sadly we're not in Korea! Hahahahahaha

Silver: I don't get the joke..

Jun: It's not a joke, dear.....

Silver: then why did you laugh?

Jun: I'm handsome when I laugh. You told me you love my laugh.

Silver: ah, right 🥰🥰🥰

Younggi: ....um, you could get an aspirin later, Hosung-ah, Taeyong-ah..

Taeyong: Ok, hyung!

Hosung: lol.. okay, I'll buy some later, thanks hyung!

Nick: Is Jake awake?

Silver: Nope, also a corpse 🧟

Nick: Okay, let's go downstairs together. I'll be waiting by the elevator, ok?

Silver: Okay!

I put on Jake's shirt and sweatpants before checking on him.

"J?" I softly touch his cheek.

He didn't even bulge. Unresponsive.

"Okay.. guess he won't wake up anytime soon." I murmur to myself. With that I give him a kiss before I leave.

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