57. The Road Trip

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"Hello, Daisy here." She picks up the phone.

"Hi, Daisy. Sorry to call this late. Are you home?" I ask.

"Hi, S. Yeah I'm about to head to bed actually. What's up?"

"Uh.. listen, the boys are here in London and I'm gonna have a road trip with them. I'll be gone for about 2 weeks."

"What?! And how come I didn't know about this??"

"I know, I'm sorry and it's a long story. So much has happened and I'm just so overwhelmed but.."


"I don't know, Daisy.. I guess this is the right thing to do."

"What is? S, what are you talking about?"

I sigh, flopping my head to my pillow in my messy room full of clothes that needs to be packed.

"Manager Sungjin talked to me, D.. at the party." Says me.

"What party??" she sounds very confused.

I let out a chuckle, "They threw a party here, at Cahoots. It was their company's party, everyone was there and it was great until Sungjin talked to me."

"O..kay.. what did he say?"

"It was the talk, Daisy. Mainly about how me and the boys won't last long. Obviously he thinks I could ruin their whole career and the boys would end up hating me for that. What's worse is he sort of told me to back off in a polite way. I knew this would happen eventually, I knew they hate me." I sigh.

"Okay, I'm still confused here but damn.. that's messed up. Being polite when you said something prickly is even pricklier. How did you react? what did you say to him?"

"I couldn't say anything back then. Maybe it's because it's what I'm scared the most, them ended up hating me. Maybe it's because it could happen. Maybe it's the ugly truth."

"What?? No, S.. you know that's not true, they love you. They won't hate you and you know it." She paused.

"But it kills me Daisy.. it's like I'm very happy every time I'm with them, like they're practically my source of happiness. But if my existence could make their life a living hell I couldn't do it, D.. it hurts." I paused, "That's why I just thought it's a good thing for us, this trip. Maybe then I'll see if we can really work this out."

"Well that's good, at least you're trying to fight for them."

"Yeah, it's gonna be great for us. I know it." I convince myself.

"Well, just be careful okay? Take care of yourself. Take care of them." She said.

"I will."



It's morning time and I'm all packed for the trip. I didn't bring many, just enough for a two weeks trip. We decided to meet up at the bus rental place around 9. It's 8.50 when I arrive and I already spot them outside the parking lot along with manager Sungjin. My stomach felt unease with just the sight of him but I gather up all my courage and walk towards them.

They sees me and greets me with hugs and kisses as usual. I can feel Sungjin's icy glare as I greet the boys. He's probably pissed that after our talk we ended up having a trip together instead.

We file our documents for the rental and did a quick workshop for operating the minibus and traffic rules. Around 9.30, we're all settled and ready to go. The boys said their goodbyes to their manager before entering the minibus. As I am the last one to enter, Sungjin subtly stops me.

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