21. Poet Prodigy

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Friday's here and I managed to avoid the boys for one day. I ignored their text messages since Wednesday night although, on Thursday evening I informed them that I'm caught up in work and expect not to be disturbed.

Of course I lied. I've spent the day reading and watching netflix to distract my mind about the boys. I only did that to let them know that I'm still alive and was just being busy. I know it's cold, especially for Jamie and Taeyong but I needed to clear my mind.

Some of them still sends me stuff. Jun kept bringing me food in front of my door that's now becomes a habit for whenever he cooks. I ate them as usual and says thank you through personal text.

It's 11 am and I almost forgot that it's my schedule with Taeyong. Suddenly my stomach hurts. It's the nerve, I haven't checked his messages and now I feel like I should since it's our schedule. I hesitate at first but then force myself to read it.

Wed, 21.05

Taeyong: Are you really okay? Were you walking outside and got the headache from the rain?

Wed, 23.00

Taeyong: I guess you're really asleep, then. Good night, gorgeous! Dream of me 😊

Thu, 08.00

Taeyong: Good morning! Did you get a good sleep? How's your headache?

Taeyong: Can I have breakfast at your place? I'm free this morning and I want to see you!

Thu, 17.30

Taeyong : I see that you're really busy with your work. Reminds me of when we first met, you said you don't like to be disturbed. Ok then, hope you did well!

Thu, 20.00

Taeyong: Have you eaten? How's your work?

Thu, 21.00

Taeyong: I'm starting to think that you don't want me around. Do you? :(

Thu, 23.30

Taeyong: Good night, Silver.. I missed you. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Fri, 09.30

Taeyong: Good morning! Are we still on for today's schedule?

I'm a horrible person. This amazingly beautiful and sweet guy is right there wanting my attention. He cares about me. What the hell am I doing?

Silver: Good morning! I'm sorry I haven't replied to your messages.. Yes, we're still on for today. What time should we meet?

Taeyong: Ah, so nice to hear from you! I have schedule until 5pm. Can we meet at 7?

Silver: Sounds good. Any particular idea you have in mind?

Taeyong: I'll pick you up! We'll go somewhere nice tonight!

Silver: Somewhere nice, huh? Okay :)

Taeyong: Can't wait to see you!

Silver: Me too :)

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