26. Playful Kiss

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We arrived at K Museum of Contemporary Art. The building is huge and modern located in Gangnam. Me and Jun are both wearing a mask and a hat to avoid trouble. The museum is not crowded but there are few people around. And none of them are paying attention to us. That's a good sign so far.

Jun was silent the whole ride and I'm wondering if he's still thinking about what happened earlier this morning. Is he bothered by the fact that I did something with both Jamie and Taeyong or is it about me liking them all?

"Hey, is everything alright?" I grab his arm as he turns to me.

"Huh? yes, everything is fine." He politely answer.

"You sure? You haven't spoken since we left. Are you not feeling well?" He shakes his head.

"I'm okay, don't worry." He waves his hands. I stare at him, not buying it then he says it one more time. "Gwaenchanayo!"

"If you say so.. come on." We're grabbing the booklet on the receptionist table then explore the museum.

"Have you been here before?" I ask him.

"No, I haven't. That's why I'm kinda.. nervous. You should've gone here with Nick or Taeyong. I don't know anything about art." He sheepishly said.

"That doesn't matter. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. You have been to an art museum before, right?"

He's quiet. Oh..
I grab his arm one more time and we stop at our steps.

"Jun? Is this your first time coming to an art museum?"  I ask. He looks away shyly.

"Um.. I've been to a museum before on a school trip, but never an art museum. Well, only to your exhibition in London, but that's a gallery, so.." he sheepishly answers.

"You must think I'm weird, right?"

"What? no! In fact this will be more fun and you're gonna learn a lot! I'm gonna give you a fun learning experience and all you have to do is follow me and listen! This will be so fun, you'll see!" I grin at him and he lets out a soft chuckle.

"Okay, I'll follow you!" He grins at me.

The exhibition consist many artists with different backgrounds. There are sculptures, paintings, and installations. Most of them are really interesting, but for starters, I'm choosing painting as an object for Jun to observe because it's the most common art.

Basically, I told Jun about the history of painting. From renaissance to contemporary in a brief explanation. Of why people did this and that, what culture and its influence from time to time. When I realized I sort of like giving a lecture, I turn to Jun. I can't tell if he's bored or not.

"Sorry, do I bore you? I tend to get talkative when it comes to art."

He smiles fondly.

"No, I like it that you're passionate about this. It's cute." He pats my head and chuckles, making me blush.

We move on to sculpture art before we head to installation art. There's a big installation of a white thread formed-cubicle-alike in the middle of the room and Jun is quickly interested by it.

"Daebaak.." He whispers.

"You like it?" I ask.

"It's amazing, how do people make this?" He paused. "But I don't get it. What is this about??" He looks puzzled yet he's into it.

"Well, why don't you read the description? It's right there.." I grab his arm and show it to him. It's in Korean. He reads it then nod his head.

"Well?" I ask.

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