|Chapter forty seven : Laughter|

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not! Dear Merlin no!" I told him loudly as we stared at each other for a couple of silent minutes, a smile still on his face

"Alright. I believe you-"

"No you don't-"

"I do actually-"

"You do?"

"Yes. It's just, I mean, those classes are easy!-"

"Says the one who's going to ask for help in those classes" I scoffed as he grinned at me and I turned back around as I finished off my potions essay with a laugh

"I'll be needing help with potions-"

"I know you will be-"


"Truth hurts"

"I know it does but you didn't need to be so brutal about it-"

"That wasn't brutal! Although I can be brutal about it if you want me to-"

"No thank you"

"Yeah didn't think so" I laughed as I rolled it up and tucked it away before walking over and sitting down next to him

"Can I have one of these?"

"One of what?"

"One of these biscuits" he said while rustling a packet of custard creams as I gaped at him, hastily checking under my bed before snatching them from him

"Why were you under my bed?!"

"Why do you hide food in the dumbest of places?" He asked laughing as I stared at him before sighing as I took out a couple of them before I dropped them into his hand as he grinned, blowing a kiss to me as I started laughing

"I love you-"

"Yeah yeah I know"

"Big game tomorrow"

"Thanks for the reminder"


"Not really, the Ravenclaw's are though" I laughed as he sat up properly, sitting at the end of the bed with his legs next to mine as he finished the food in his mouth as he pointed at me

"You should come around to my house during the holidays"

"I know, I should. You could come over to mine as well, we're going to Spain for like a solid month, I'll invite the girls too"

"You can meet my sister"

"You can meet my... brother.... no... eh... um..... horse?"

"You have a horse?!"

"You have a sister?!" I asked just as loudly as the two of us burst out laughing and he looked at me

"Two years younger than us, same age as Daphne's sister. But then I also have an older sister and two older brothers"


"Yeah, all half-siblings though. Same mother"

"Ah right okay. Well, you probably don't want to meet my brother, my sister you have already unfortunately had to spend time with. My mum is a bore at points but you can always meet Nathan, Adam and Ali!" I told him grinning as he started laughing and nudged me with his foot as I nudged him back, the kicks getting a little harder as I kicked his hip, watching as he toppled backwards and disappeared from sight. Laughter coming from both of us I crawled to the edge of the bed and looked down at him while he looked up with a grin

"Oh my fucking god I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, that might've actually have of knocked some sense into me"

"Doubt it. It would take a greater fall than that"

"Wow. Thank you Amelia"

"No problem hen"

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