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Fred was up at the crack of dawn awaiting for Catina's arrival. With breakfast bought and keeping warm in the oven, he sat staring at the clock watching the minute tick by painfully slowly. He meant every word he said to Prosper that night, he wanted Catina to be cared for the way he failed too. He knew fully damn well that Prosper probably deserved her love more than him but he didn't want to lose her.

The love he has for Catina grew by the day, his heart swelled at the small flicker of his thoughts, his eyes lit up when she laughed and smiled. The smell of her body wash and perfume was intoxicating and the fluffiness of her hair was so comforting that he didn't care about anyone else's opinion of her, he loves and adores her and that is all that should matter.

He didn't see her as any different to any other girl by nature, race didn't matter to him because beauty is not defined by the colour of her skin, but by the heart and soul she beheld. He did not care for the fact she was a werewolf- she was just as much human as anyone else. There's nothing that would change the way he felt about her. Even if they were apart, their souls were already tethered and that tether will stretch mountains, rivers and oceans to keep them together. If not physically, but by love.

He was determined to prove this.

When Catina stepped out of the fire place with a puff of black soot, Fred leapt his feet and with a cushion dusted her off because touching her without permission seemed disrespectful. Time apart from her allowed him to think and redraft his plan of action, his plans began to grow back when she was first imprisoned. There was no way he was letting anything happen to ruin what they had.

She smiled at Fred, a big toothy grin and enveloped him in a hug. He was taken back, stumbling slightly but until lately regaining his balance, gently slithering his arms around her waist and melting into her embrace. "I've missed you," he told her truthfully. Not a smirk or snide comment within him.

"It's only been a few hours, Fred."

He nodded as the embrace unfolded. Rocking on the balls of his feet, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his best jeans as the heat rose to his cheeks. "I know, but we haven't had much time alone since you returned."

"I know, but hopefully that will change. I'm sticking around for the long game." She poked his tummy with a giggle escaping her lips.

"Are you?"

Fred mentally sighed immediately, he didn't intend for that to come out so abruptly, if at all. He saw her shoulders slump but return back to normal almost immediately. She raised her head and looked at him as if he had three heads.

"Of course I am. We spoke about this, albeit briefly, but I'm not leaving you again. We both made mistakes, we both regret them, we both are locking them in a distant memory. Unless you don't want us too, darling."

Fred dropped onto the sofa burying his head in his hands. "I do. I really do. I just don't want to screw up again. You have no idea how much I want things to be perfect-"

"Perfect is impossible. Why aim for something that will never be? You'll only disappoint yourself. What we have is far from perfect and that in itself is just right. To others we may be a two shards of broken glass trying to fit together but actually don't, but that is what makes us good. Why be something that pieces together exactly? That takes away the fun. That's boring. Being misshapen is so much more thrilling! And we all know you prefer thrills to boring." Catina smirked, sitting down beside Fred and removing his hands from his face. She kissed his knuckles, her eyes not leaving his, reading the emotions the rest of his face didn't portray. The face can be contorted to hide things, the eyes never lie.

Fred was speechless. Words clogged in his throat like an unmovable lump and the first thing that came to mind was not what he expected to do.

He held out his index finger and as Catina took hold of it puzzledly, he let out a rippling fart that vibrated the sofa. Catina, rather disgusted by its intensity and timing, fell backwards balding with laughter, Fred rolling around in fits of giggles too. Tears streamed from their eyes and the couple ended up falling off o the sofa onto the floor which only egged their laughter on more. Their sides ached, their hearts pumped wildly and Fred found himself crawling to Catina's side.

"You amaze me, kitten."

Catina's face lit up and her right eyebrow cocked, "I was wondering when you were going to call me that? I was beginning to think you were sick."

"Mmm, very sick."

"Don't you dare say it-"

"Love sick!"

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now