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With a stumble in their limp, Prosper headed for Catina, he was smothered in blood and, not a piece of his clothing was left without a hole in it. His breathing was jagged and wheezy, his arm draped over Bellatrix's shoulder as she kept him up right, guiding him towards the Burrow.

Catina's heart leapt from her chest and she bounded straight for the pair, horrified by the sight she saw not caring that Fred was shell-shocked behind her, not moving as he stared the two unannounced visitors down. She grasped Prosper's arm causing a hiss to escape his lips as he fell into her clutch.

"Baby Wolf, he's free, it cost a lot but nothing is too much for you," said Bellatrix who whipped her head around to see if anyone else was awake and aware of their presence.

Catina nodded, "thank you, Bella, I really can't thank you enough... Mr and Mrs Brynn? Are they safe?"

Prosper whimpered, his legs giving way beneath him and finally Fred was brought back into action as he caught the lad before he reached the damp grass.

"Dead. I tried my best but I could only save the boy. The Brynn's took a risk, they tried to reason, the Dark Lord does not reason with simply anyone. As it is I have gambled his trust for the boy more so for you but I would sell my soul for you, dear, Baby Wolf. Stay safe, I must go now-"

"When will I see you next?"

"That I cannot answer, but we will meet again, I'm sure of it. Now, get him cleaned up, and you all get rest."

Bellatrix spun on her heels, sprinting away as if she was a prey escaping a predator and vanished into a puff of thick black smoke as she disapparated from The Burrow.

Fred nodded to Catina to silently tell her that he had Prosper and that she could let go. She didn't. Although loose, her fingers stayed holding onto his sleeve as she followed behind the pair, her eyes still glued on the spot where Bellatrix had disappeared from. With Prosper on the sofa, Catina began to fuss. She felt sick and dizzy at the sight of the dried blood but still attempted to clean it before Fred took over noticing her swaying.

"Go and get him some of my clothes to change into," he told her and nudged her to the door. "Are you alright with me cleaning your wounds?" She heard Fred ask her best friend as she ascended the stairs.

She presumed Prosper had nodded as when she returned most of the blood was gone and only cuts and bruises remained. He had a black eye and no doubt it would grow even worse with wilder colours.

He reached out his arms, hissing at the pain and groped the air for Catina to touch him. He needed a source of comfort and the last thing he had left was her, she wrapped him up and ran her fingers through his messy hair. She could feel his sobbing against her chest, no sound following but he was definitely crying.

"I'll give you some time alone." Fred whispered and removed himself.

"They're gone, Tee..."

The only words to come out of Prosper Brynn's mouth for the next few days.

Mrs Weasley wasn't all too pleased the next morning when Prosper was curled up with Catina on her sofa but Fred took one for the team and reasoned with her. As soon as she found out Prosper was a Brynn and his parents were murdered she had a change of heart, being a Slytherin didn't matter to her- for once.

As selfish as it seemed Catina did have a pang of jealousy from the hospitable nature of Mrs Weasley towards Prosper when she didn't and still didn't really get any from her. She put it to rest in the back of her head and focussed on Prosper, he needed her and her feelings towards Mrs Weasley were not in that moment.

It surprised everyone how Fred was with Prosper. He didn't mind the boy having Catina's undivided attention, how he held her, slept on her chest, held her hand. Fred was strangely okay with it all.

"You're just going to let him be all touchy-feeling with her?" George asked him.

"He's just lost his parents, Georgie, if that was me I would want comfort from my best friend."

"I'm your best friend."

"Yes, of course, but Cat is all he has now."

"There's the other two."

"They're not here though, twatface."

"Still I don't get-"

"Why are you so interested in my relationship all of a sudden? You don't like my girlfriend so you have no say in anything like that." Fred cut his brother off, his eyebrows joining in the centre of his face as he scowled.

George slammed his wand down on the desk but didn't say a word.

The door to their bedroom opened and Catina stepped in. "Can I get some more of your clothes? Prop is going to shower?" She directed at Fred ignoring George and the daggers he was sending at her for just entering.

"Yeah, of course."

Whilst Catina picked some of his clothes out no one said a thing. The air was thick and suffocating, but perhaps that was just George's presence. He stood up and stopped behind Catina alerting Fred who also rose from his seat.

Catina turned and raised her chin to stare at George with her eyebrows raised. "Can I help you?"

"You should knock next time."

"I normally do. It was a one time slip of the mind."


"Leave it George."

"No Fred-"

"Get out of her face."

The door had opened again and Prosper was there, his fists clenched and jaw tight.

"What are you going to do about it if I don't, Brynn?"

He didn't respond. Instead, he took hold of Catina's hand and guided her out of the room, shutting the door behind them leaving the twins back in the room.

His silence then returned.

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