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When Catina left the shower her skin was rather wrinkled but she couldn't care less even if she tried her hardest. She wrapped her remains of towels around her body and hair then turned to stare into the slightly steamed up mirror. You couldn't tell she had been crying and if anyone dared to question it they wouldn't know what hit them.

She dried her body and pulled on the fresh clothes she took the towel from her hair and left her hair to dry naturally. Her hair was not amazing, in fact it could do with a cut and more maintenance but she didn't know what to use to maintain her hair properly, she was never taught.

When she left the bathroom she bumped into Lupin. He smiled at her softly but Catina didn't return it. He paused before her and tilted his head, "what's wrong, Cat?" He asked.

She sighed, "nothing."

Lupin was far from stupid. He could tell that there was something up but he knew her walls were built tall and thick. However, he did think that they were slowly crumbling, clearly not. "Talk to me."

"No. Why should I?" She pushed past him and hurried off down the stairs. "Juno! Juno, where are you?" She hissed. She needed his comfort, Juno wouldn't force her to talk. He wouldn't force her to do anything. She found Juno hissing, and standing poised ready to pounce in the middle of the second floor corridor.

She peered up to where Juno was looking and found George. "Get your mangy cat away from me!" He spat, "before I kick it."

She scooped Juno up and halted at George, "kick my cat, darling, I'll kick your balls."

"Try it." Catina waist money time flicking her leg up, her foot connecting with George's crotch causing him to double over in pain. "You bitch."

She shrugged and sauntered away from him, Juno hissing over her shoulder as she made it her way up the countless of staircases to the attic. She found the hidden nook amongst the boxes and slipped in the gap.

Juno rested in Catina's lap and nuzzled into her stomach. "It's okay, Junie," she whispered, "tonight we will definitely be gone. Nobody will stop us tonight, I promise."

It was the day before New Years and everyone would be preparing to be celebrating the new year so it would be easier to slip away. Not even Fred would hinder them from going this time. Where would she go? She didn't know, maybe, Prosper's but even that wouldn't be suitable.

Juno purred and she kissed his head, she already had her bag packed and had done for days. She was upstairs in the attic for a few hours before sneaking back down to the bedroom and collecting the bag. Dinner was being served but since no one had closed for her they clearly hadn't realised of her a sense. She kept hold of Juno as she tiptoed down the stairs, when she got to the lower level where the dining room is, she slipped her wand from her pocket and muttered her own spell that left her invisible. She would release it once outside of the house but to ensure she could get out then she would stay hidden.

Getting out was easy when she was invisible, the only thing that may have given her away was the door shutting which was rather loud but since nobody was chasing after her as she merrily wandered down the streets of London uncovered, it would seem as if she had finally done it.

She kept Juno wrapped up in a blanket to keep him warm and she tugged her coat around her closer. It was such an old coat that it didn't really shield her from the harsh weather but as long as Juno was warm she didn't care for herself. When she reached a good distance from the house she sat on a bench for a little break and to try and work out her next moves.

Back at the house it was midnight. Fred was waiting for Catina but she didn't come down. He tiptoed you to her room and she wasn't there. Some of her things were gone. He pushed Ginny awake.

"Bugger off."

"Where is Cat?"

His sister sat up and shrugged, "I dunno."

Fred pushed himself out of the room, and hurried into the room where Sirius and Remus shared. He went over to Remus' bed and pushed him awake. "Cat has gone."

Remus leaped up in horror, "where did she go?"

" I have no idea, she is not in bed and not in the house." Said Fred.

Remus climbed out of bed and wrapped a nightgown around him, Fred followed the man out of the room as Remus sent a patronus to Dumbledore. "Go alert your mother."

Fred did as he was told and both is mother and father were awake within seconds. Hearing the commotion, more people awoke and George rolled his eyes going back to bed not caring.

Within minute Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall were in the house. Aurors we're searching up and down the country for the girl and Fred was in the corner stressing. She actually managed to do it this time. She actually left.

"Go and get George," said Mrs Weasley to Bill.

"Why has she left?" Ron asked with a yawn, "she's tried to run off before. Why?"

Harry slipped out of the room, taking Sirius with him. "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Sirius, she's not happy here. She's got much more going on than anyone realises and I don't think being here helps at all. She needs a proper home, not a mad house filled with about twenty people plus."

Sirius nodded, "I know, Harry, I know. I think everyone realises that now."

"I don't think you do though. I have spoken to her a few times and something really is not right. I don't quite know the extent but there is something."

"Harry, calm down, let's focus on finding her first, eh?"

"I guess so."

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