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The girl looked up from the morning copy of the Daily Prophet with her eyebrows raised. Harry Potter stood before her, awkwardly rocking on the balls of his feet as he rubbed at the wrist of his right arm, tugging the cuff of the sleeves which we slightly too long on him and tucking them up so they became the right length. It was the summer holidays now and Harry had arrived at The Burrow courtesy of Dumbledore late one evening without any forward warning.

He coughed and coughed again, "excuse me," he muttered, wiping his mouth on the turned up sleeve.

"What's up?" She asked him with a gentle smile, noticing his off demeanour. Folding up the newspaper she tossed it to the side in order to give him her undivided attention.

He appreciated that. Sometimes Ron and Hermione did not notice how they affected him just by their actions. Harry often found it hurtful when they would continue reading or doing something whilst he spoke- almost as if they did not really care for what he had to say. The Dursleys did that. They would not listen even more so when they were doing something else. Catina was different she seemed to understand him, even if they had not openly spoken about it, she seemed to simply know.

"Can I have a word? Please."

She nodded, glancing over at Mrs Weasley and Tonks who were quietly talking in the opposite corner of the living room. Merlin knows where the others were. She led Harry out of the door into the front garden of the Burrow where they took a seat on a small bench which looked ready to collapse but supported them surprisingly.

"Is everything alright?"

He coughed once again and shrugged. "Now that we know that you're Sirius' daughter I don't want to come between the two of you. I know if that was me in your position I wouldn't want some specky tosser intruding and trying to hog my dad from me."

Catina barked with laughter. Harry, although baffled by her reaction, couldn't help but smile because he noticed how similar her and Sirius' laughs were. How nobody noticed this before was a miracle since it sounded so alike!

"Don't be a melt, Harry. You're his family. You and I understand each other more than anyone else here does and I can't deny the immense connection and bond you have with... him. I don't want you to feel as though this changes any of that, he loves you Harry and wants to be included in your life as your family." She said, struggling to decide on how to refer to Sirius, ultimately concluding with 'him'.

A heavy weight lifted from Harry's shoulders and his heart swelled like a balloon hearing someone reiterate Sirius' love for him. He loved Sirius; he brought him closer to his father, giving him a real insight into the life of James Potter. A small sense of guilt still swelled in his heart but her reassuring nod and opening of her arms to hug him diminished it as they enveloped each other.

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now