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It was around two in the morning now and after and Catina were sat in the drawing room of Sirius' house, having shared plenty of kisses in the few hours that they were awake and everyone else was not. They now sat at either end of the sofa, Catina's legs between Fred's as they sat facing each other.

The girl held her head up with her hand that was connected the the arm she leaned against the back of the sofa with, one leg stretched out further towards Fred than the other. Her toes were a bright red which baffled Fred.

"Why do girls paint their toe nails? Like, I get finger nails but toes? Seriously?" He asked her picking up one of her toes making her squeal and kick, nearly hitting him in the face.

"Get off!" She cried as he waggled the toe, a smirk on his face like Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland, not that Catina would know of that because she had no knowledge on wizarding books let alone Muggle books.

"Weasley I swear to Merlin-"

"You'll what, Kitten?"

The girl groaned throwing another kick that made him drop her toe and her foot land in an awkward place. Fred hissed in pain, shoving her leg off of the sofa as he clutched his covered genitals, his face growing red and his cheeks puffing out. Catina barked with laughter sinking down in her seat and her face contorting to look as if she had multiple chins.

"It's not funny!" Fred grumbled.

"Oh it is, darling!" Catina wiped the tears from her eyes as she laughed and laughed continuously.

Fred swatted her on the stomach as the pain began to subside but partially remain. Catina jerked from the impact of his hand on her stomach but other than that she remained where she was.

"Oi! I think you should kiss that better you git!"

Fred grinned raising his eyebrows, he shifted onto his knees and leaned over her body. His breath fanned her face as he loomed closer, his hands resting beside her head. "Then you should kiss my injury better."

Catina pushed the boy off of her and onto the floor, sitting up and peering down at him in disgust. "I'm not kissing your vagina better, darling."

"Er excuse me, but if you're gonna expect me to kiss your stomach better than you should kiss my— I'll have you know I have penis! I do not have a vagina thank you very much!"

"You sure about that?"

"Yes. Yes I am. Why? Do you want to see it?" Fred reached out to the waist band of his pyjama bottoms but Catina covered her eyes and froze as the sound of footsteps on the stairs began to become louder.  "Shit."

Fred leaped up, ignoring the pain still in his genitals and he grasped Catina's hand. He dragged her out of the room and looked from left to right. He dove into door opposite the drawing room not knowing where it led to. He groped the wall for a light switch and found it quickly, he shut the door quietly behind him and pressed Catina up against it, his chest pressed against hers.

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now