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Diagon Alley was quiet. The streets which were usually full of hustle and bustle, booming laughter and the clattering of footsteps on the cobble street floor was nigh-on silent. There were a minimal amount of people tottering about, keeping their heads low, some children were giggling softly as they ran ahead of their parents who kept a sharp eye on them. Bill kept Catina close, especially as a woman tugged her child away from her in disgust.

Bill admired as Catina held her head high and walked around the alley as if people's stares built up her confidence. He had not told her he was buying her anything at present, he went around and bought what he needed for himself and she was happy to be his company, whether it be in silence or with small talk. He guided her towards Ollivander's wand shop.

"Did you break your wand?" Catina asked him as the bell above the door tinkled.

Bill shook his head, "you need a new one."

"Oh. That's quite alright, Bill, I don't think I'll be needing one-"

"Miss Lennox, I was wondering when I'd see you next. Such a shame how they treated you and snapped your beautiful Ash wood wand. Ash wands leans to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it will lose power and skill, which one must not allow. This tendency is extreme if the core is of unicorn hair, which I confirm yours beheld. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insists of trying wands on this prestigious wood, will be disappointed by its effects. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant." Said Mr Ollivander who went off in a world of his own discussing Catina's wand.

Bill smiled down at Catina who looked in awe at the elder wizard as he discussed the many characteristics of the wand she used to own. When the man drew to a halt, Bill cleared his throat, "we'd like a new wand for Cat please, Mr Ollivander."

"Really Bill, it's no-"

"I am under strict instructions to make sure I spoil you, I wanted to get you a new wand but Sirius insisted I buy you things from him so you can thank him later, darling."

Catina's eyes widened at his words. Never have the words "spoil you" ever been aimed at her and her heart began to thump so hard she was sure Mr Ollivander and Bill could hear it. Tears welled in her eyes but she blinked them away quickly, nodding her head appreciatively.

"See, there you go. That's the right answer. An ash wood wand it is then please."

With a sharp stop, Mr Ollivander's hand flew into the air and he slowly spun on his heals diving into the row of shelves full got the brim of wand boxes. He climbed a ladder with ease, his feet moving like small scurries up each wrung. Ever so gently, his fingers guided a box out slickly, like sliding a knife through honey and he slid down the ladder back to the floor. For a man of his age, he certainly had such a stamina!

He returned to the counter and laid the box gently on the oak wood top, he rose the lid off and plucked the carefully widdled wand into the palm of his hands and held them out in front of Catina. She took the wand more and flicked it like she had done so back when she was eleven and Professor Sprout had taken her to Diagon Alley.

The lamp on the countertop smashed to pieces and Bill dragged her back covering her face so that the shards did not scratch her. "I'm already a scar face, why did you cover me? Thanks though."

"Oh, reflexes."

Catina snickered and handed the wand back. Ollivander licked his lips in curiosity. He, quite literally, tossed the wand away causing it to spark and for Catina and Bill to share an estranged look.

Ollivander's eyes rolled back and he stumbled back into the column of shelves, catching himself on a box and tugging it out. "It seems as though the wand does not match you any longer. But this wand, this wand drew me towards it right as you laughed. I suspect, this is your new friend."

"The suspense is frightfully annoying, darling, what kind is it?"

Ollivander smirked and passed her the wand. She flicked it impatiently and a deep orange glow surrounded her. A long wisp of gold protruding the tip and soaring around the wand shop, penetrating the different boxes and lighting the room in a bright sparkle. Her face lit up in joy as she was wrapped around in a deep hug from the glow, Catina felt exhilarated and unstoppable just from the touch and Bill knew this was certainly her destined wand.

"Ebony wands have an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, strong-willed and powerful. In my experience, the ebony wand's perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose. With a subtle hint of unicorn hair for the core, Miss Lennox, I do believe you will succeed with this wand."

"Wow! That's brilliant!"

Mr Ollivander smirked proudly of himself for making such a wand and turned to Bill. "I take it you'll be purchasing the little wonder."

"Yes, of course."

"Right, I'll ring it up. Miss Lennox, keep it safe. I fear you'll be needing it in the climate that prevails."

She nodded, slipping it into the pocket of her dress (yes, the dress has pockets! She was astounded by it!). "Cat, why don't you wait outside. Right in front of the window so I can keep an eye, I'll be right out." She nodded and skipped out of the shop. Bill turned to Mr Ollivander. "I don't suppose you're looking for an apprentice are you?"

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