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There was one exception to the rules about Sirius remaining in the house and that was to accompany Remus and Catina on the full moon. After her first transformation, Dumbledore made it official that he needed to be there to keep the company but also to make sure that nothing too horrific happened. When not near Hogwarts, the three had to floo to Hogsmede and then make their way to the Shreiking Shack. (Sirius was in dog form until they were in the shack, of course).

When they were locked inside, Catina shrunk back into the corner and buried her head in her hands. Remus put two bags of clothes in a cupboard for them to change into in the morning and then sat on the floor himself, waiting for the moon to rise. Sirius saw Catina curled up in a ball and sat beside her, they had a little time, nearly an hour or two until the transformation. He put his arm around her and held her close.

Remus could only watch sadly as his best friend comforted the young girl, whispering little words in her ears to ease her. He knew all to well how hard it was, especially for the first year or so of transformations and it didn't really get any easier, she'd just become more numb to the idea of it. He dreaded the idea of watching Catina's life crumbled before it's even started. He didn't have any underlying problems growing up, only the lycanthropy, but his life was ruined from then and it's been a struggle to pull through. Catina had so much on her plate, probably more than she even knows, he despised his own thoughts but he didn't see her being around for too long.

Right from day one, Remus knew here was something about Catina. Something special. He knew she wasn't a bad person, he knew she just had a messed up life and that wasn't her fault. It wrecked him inside because he wished, he so very wished that he could provide her with stability, to give her the childhood she missed but he couldn't because he was a monster among men and a monster should not care for children.

Catina sobbed into Sirius' chest. She hadn't even cried as much as she had done since the start of summer in her entire life. It didn't feel normal but the weight pushing down on her chest would become lighter as each time she cried. She was a built like a labyrinth and since Tonks took her to 12 Grimmauld Place, her walls began to crumble and the Minotaur inside of her was growing edging closer to escaping.

"I don't want this," she told Sirius, balling up his shirt in her hands, "make it stop please!"

Sirius' eyes screwed shut tightly and he said, "I wish I could, Cat, with every bone in my body, if I could. I would."

Through a broken panel in a window board, moonlight funnelled in, lighting up the corner of Catina's face. Sirius sorrowfully let the girl go and transformed into his dog form as his best friend and she began to wail in pain. Remus stared up at the ceiling as his back arched, limbs unlocking from place, shifting and locking in another. Catina's did the same and she could feel the long, thick hairs pushing through her skin, flowing out and brushing up. Her teeth grew and shifted in her mouth and her nose grew longer into a snout. She wanted to throw up from the sensation of it all but the rippling pain hindered her from doing so.

Two long, ominous howls echoed around the Scottish highlands once the transformation was complete. Their yellow eyes locked on one another and they were no longer Catina and Remus. They were now the wolf and the she-wolf.

The wolf stood up tall, snarling at its company. It's eyes glowered on the She-wolf as the pair circled each other. Sirius waited, confused, by what was happening. They were not ripping the living daylights out of each other or was this just the warm up?

The she-wolf, practically newborn and certainly wild pounced forward. Sirius couldn't believe his eyes when what stood in place of Catina, was making the first move. It bundled on top of the wolf but instead of fighting back, the wolf let it happen. The she-wolf was wild and ravenous for a fight but settled down with a whimper only moments later. It backed away, whining and whimpering into a corner whilst the wolf stood up and titled its head.

The wolf howled once more and edged, slowly towards the She-wolf. This time, Sirius was stood up, poised ready to intervene, only to sit back down again, perplexed as the wolf laid beside the She-wolf and let the She-wolf nuzzle into it's body. Between whimpers the she-wolf, licked at the scratches on the wolf's legs and the wolf nudged it away with its snout. They then slid down beside each other and fell asleep.

Sirius seriously didn't know what to do.

When the morning came, Sirius awoke to see Remus and Catina asleep still, the former curled up in a ball beside Remus whose hand was over hers. Sirius quietly transformed then stretched and picked out the bags of clothes from the cupboard. He padded over to Remus and gently shook him awake. It took awhile to break him from his slumber but eventually Remus was awake, staring down at the new scratches on his arms. Sirius handed him some clothes and as he changed Sirius draped a blanket over Catina letting her sleep a little longer.

"Do you remember anything, Moony?"

Remus sighed with a scratch to his head, "yes," he replied, "I don't know why it happened. I had no control over anything but I'm surprised there wasn't a fight, especially as I was pounced on."

"It was the strangest full moon, I'll tell you that." Sirius chuckled then decided it was time to wake the girl.

Catina grumbled but like Remus, woke up and changed. She ached from transformation and didn't look Remus in the eyes after she saw the scratches on his arms. Remus noticed this. "It's okay, Cat, we have no control in that form. I don't mind a few new scratches as long as you're okay."

"You don't have any control?"


"Then why did you not fight back?"

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