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Prosper nodded his head and parked himself on the sofa. Juno leaped up and curled up on his lap with a low purr as Catina headed back to the bedroom. Her head was pounding and guilt washed over her as she changed and picked up Fred's jeans and plucking out the handful of shrunken bags and stuffed them into her pocket, zipping it up to keep them safe. He was sound asleep, snores tumbling from his chapped lips and his hair was askew. She couldn't leave him again, could she?

Tiptoeing over to him, she gently shook him awake. "Baby, sleep." He mumbled, rolling over, taking her arm in his clutch and kissing the back of her hand. Catina's heart fluttered like a butterfly at the name he had used for her, it sounded so hot falling from his tired lips. The guilt was building up.

"Freddie, please, wake up."

Fred grumbled but forced himself awake. He was rather disorientated as his eyes adjusted to see her fully dressed. "What's going on?"

"Look, it's for the best. Hear me out, darling."

"You're leaving again?"

"No. Well, yes. Kind of. I'm not going to live with you. Not even for a short while. If your mother found us she would go garretty and have my guts for garters. I'm going to stay elsewhere but I'll come and see you tomorrow during the day. I'll stay with you all day if you want me to-"

"So why leave?"

"Because then your mother has nothing to worry about. If we were not in the same house and especially not the same bed maybe I can try to work things out with her. I don't want to tarnish your relationship with your mum, I know I already have impacted yours and George's. I'd do anything for a mum and I don't want to ruin that for you. So let's give this a chance, eh? You never know, it might not be for long. I promise you I'll come back tomorrow morning. I'm not leaving you. Not really. I'll simply not be having a sleep over with you."

Fred shook his head, he really didn't want her to leave. Sleeping beside her gave him leave of mind. She was there with him. Safe and sound. Not even a mouse could be as quiet as he was in that moment, so much so he had to check himself to see if he was actually breathing! His mind was like a ticking clock, thinking everything over, bit by bit. He didn't like it at all.

"Where are you going?"

"Prosper's, he's in the living ro-"

Fred jumped out of the bed like a rocket shot up his backside and he stormed out of the bedroom. Prosper, upon hearing the door slam into the wall, stood up, Juno pouncing off of his lap. He was slammed into the wall by Fred, who pressed his forearm to his neck. He didn't seem all that bothered, in fact he glanced down at his watch nonchalantly.

"You!" Shouted Fred just as Catina rounded into the living room with a roll of her eyes. She tried to pull Fred off of Prosper but alas, she failed and actually fell backwards onto the sofa with a huff. "Take care of her. I don't want to hear that she has gone missing, ran away, gotten hurt, cried, or not eaten. I want her well fed, well watered, her comforted if she is sad, I want her back here first thing tomorrow morning whether you like it or not. And lastly, I want you never to break into my apartment again, unless Cat's life is in danger or she is hurt. Do I make myself clear, Brynn?"

Prosper raised his eyebrows. Fred did not scare nor intimidate him, in fact, because Fred was such an unserious character his actions seemed rather amusing. Nevertheless, he nodded and gently removed Fred's arm from his neck.

"Use your words!"

"Yes, yes, safe as safe can be." He muttered turning to Catina. He motioned his head to the side and she nodded. He would wait in the street for her, give them some privacy.

Fred acknowledged their... telepathic communication... lord knows how Catina understood Prosper's lack of words and sighed in relief once the boy had left.

"Why is he not in school?"

"Very good question. I'll endeavour to find that out actually. Are you sure you're okay about this?"

"If it means I won't lose you, then I'll have to wallow in self pity tonight and cuddle my pillow. As long as you definitely come back in the morning. I'll make you breakfast?"

"Can you even cook, darling?"

"I'm a fantastic... reheater of takeaway breakfast food. You doubt is disgusting, kitten." He smirked, dragging her up from the sofa and slithering his arms around her waist. His lips hovered over hers, his breath fanning her. "I love you."

"And I'll come back, I promise." She kissed him with as much emotion as she could muster. The idea of Fred loving her- being in love with her, played on her mind and she thought long and hard about how she felt about him. He had hurt her. He had trampled on the rubble that she had collected from the walls he had broken down. He danced over them when he hurt her, it was if he had switched off all of the care he had for her when he did so and him trying to make up for it didn't quite do it like switching the care back on. It would still fake some time for Catina to get over it, or perhaps forget about it but he had shown her already through his unmeasurable emotions and his devotion to her that he was trying to make up for it.

She didn't really want to leave him that evening. Even if she was definitely planning to return during the day but if it was going to have a positive (hopefully) then it would be worth it. She meant it when she said she wouldn't leave again. Running away from her troubles and complications was a thing of the past. This was not running away, running away was her being a coward, this was her facing the issues and finding a way to fix them. She wanted to be fixed, she wanted her and Fred to be fixed because,

"I love you, Fred."

Fred spluttered, "you what?"

"I love you, I think."

"You think?"

"I dunno the feeling of love but I think this is it."

"Then that is enough for me."

"Are you sure?"

"Positively, positive, kitten. Positively, positive."

A/n- four updates in one night? Whoops!
Anywho, do you guys want me to do a little q&a thingy at the end of the next chapter? I can clarify anything you're confused about, possibly hint at what is to come, just answer anything you're wondering maybe about me too?
I'm getting a vibe that you guys want some more answers etc, so if you do, comment under this paragraph maybe? Or if you can't just put like an * in you comment so I know it's for this? Idk. You do you, guys!
Thank you for reading, and voting and commenting. It means a lot! 🧡🧡

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now