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Catina bundled into the kitchen with a bright demeanour, skipping over to Fred who was waiting for her. She plonked herself down on his lap and cuddled up to him with a small giggle. Fred chuckled at her behaviour and enveloped her in his long arms and and nudged her wild curls out of his face.

"Ooh, now what do I owe the pleasure of happy-clappy Cat?" He asked her, rocking her back and forth gleefully.

"I've missed you," she told him, staring up at his face with a big grin. Fred purpled his lips into a thin line and furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side. "What?"

"I saw you this morning in Divination. You kept spitting paper balls at me with that Lucy girl."

"Luisa. Lulu for short. And yeah, but that's not exactly being with you. That was merely observing from two tables back and entertaining myself in that boring lesson, darling." Catina told him, brushing his bedhead back. Fred definitely napped before seeing her every night and she couldn't blame him, they did stay up rather late. She wiggles her hips like a little child and puckered her lips, making her eyes wide and puppy-like.

To Fred, she looked so damn adorable that it was hard to believe that this was the same girl he met at the start of the summer holidays. He had noticed how her whole demeanour had changed drastically around him and as much as he loved her fiery side, cute, adorable Catina was definitely a sight he would give anything to see, no matter how soppy that would seem like.

Fred rolled his eyes playfully and kissed her waiting lips. "I'm glad to see Miss Pauline has disappeared, kitten." He commented.

"Miss Pauline?"

"Yeah, you know, your monthly visitor?" Catina looked puzzled. "The Red Sea? Girl flu? Shark week? Red wedding? Leak week? Spawn begone?"

"Darling, what on earth are you talking about?" Catina snickered shaking her head, "have you gone mental?"

"Your period. I'm glad to see you've finished. You were proper moody last night."

Catina's shoulders slumped. She didn't intend to exactly be moody but when someone talks about the same thing twenty-four-seven it can become tedious and boring. She bit her lips and took a breath. "Sorry about being moody. But, I wasn't on my period or whatever you want to refer it as... seriously 'spawn begone'? Really?"

He sheepishly laughed and pecked her cheek, "come to think of it," said Fred, "you don't ever get that moody, it's hard to tell when you're on your period."

"That's because I'm never on it."


"I don't have a period." The boy stared at her in shock. Every girl has a period? No? What? "I haven't started yet, I don't know why, or if this isn't normal. I just haven't started. Thankfully I haven't, I don't want to be passing out every month for a week."

"Yeah, about that, we really need to help you get over that. Blood is literally everywhere, you can't be passing out all the time. But enough about that before you pass out right now," Fred saw colour drain from her face, "it's probably a good idea to talk to mum about that at Christmas, I'm pretty sure most girls start before now. You're 17, kitten, your period should be here now."

"I guess I'm just not like other girls Freddie, and rightly so."

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Catina once again found herself in the kitchens near the Christmas break. She still wasn't entirely sure what she was going to be doing during the Christmas break but Fred insisted that she was returning to Grimmauld Place with his family and the other residents. Catina has never really had a proper Christmas so wasn't sure what to do about the gift situation. She don't really have much money, except for the small amount the Sirius had sent to her by post which she had tried returning, with a letter explaining her gratitude but that she couldn't accept his money. Of course, Sirius didn't take no for an answer and she begrudgingly but gratefully accepted it after Sirius sent it back for the third time.

She entered the kitchens but Fred was nowhere to be seen. She sat waiting and waiting but he never came. An hour ticked by and she sluggishly trudged back to the dungeons where Professor Snape was waiting for her with a dark look in his eyes.

"Lennox where have you been?"

Catina has a strange relationship with Snape. She didn't particularly hate him but she didn't exactly like him either, especially after she found out he was responsible for people finding out about Lupin's lycanthropy.

"I had a large craving for some meat and Dumbledore said for me to eat something if I do that due to my... new found problem, professor. After all, my night to shine is next week, remember, darling."

Snape scowled. "Oh shut up, Lennox, and follow me."

"Where to?"

"Professor Dumbledore has requested you with great urgency."

Catina followed sleepily behind her head of house to Dumbledore's office. The headmaster was waiting with an old boot on his desk. "Arthur Weasley has been attacked whilst on duty. His children and Harry have already travelled by portkey to headquarters. After a while of deliberation with myself and my sherbet lemons I came to the conclusion it would be best for you to leave tonight as well. Your belongings have already been taken there. Now, please take this boot with a strong grip, do not let go until you land in headquarters. Do you understand, Miss Lennox?"

"Mr Weasley has been attacked?"

"You will be told everything upon arrival, Padfoot is waiting for you. Ten seconds, Cat." He nodded to the boot. Catina's eyes widened and she grasped the boot with her tightest grip, like when Fred was holding her up as she was dangling from the stair case. "Don't let go, Cat."

"I'll try my best, darling."

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now