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In the midst of the night, the house was quiet. Even the sounds of snores were muffled by the many walls and staircases filling the Burrow. Catina was sleeping in a small bed configured out of a dust-collecting book, next to Ginny and Hermione's beds but found herself restless.

Tossing and turning she sighed exasperatedly, rubbing her face and hugging the duvet (also configured out of a random item) close to her chest. Her usual pyjama attire was in the basket ready to be washed so she was left with a random t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms to sleep in, neither of which encapsulated Fred's scent.

Fred always helped her to sleep, even the smell of him and it felt as though she was being teased. Her wolf senses could pick up any smell within the house, some more than others due to how close they were and Fred's was just about in the range to be picked up on but not enough to soothe her to sleep.

She knew that Mrs Weasley would throw a fit if she found Catina in bed with her son, despite them sleeping together many a times and she also knew Sirius probably wouldn't be happy either, not that he really had a say since he was still partially a stranger to her. Yet, she still remained in her own bed.

Well, up until she practically threw the duvet at the wall, nearly knocking off a photo of a member of the Holyhead Harpies which Ginny had stuck up with spellotape in the past. Ginny's room was full of quidditch artefacts, it surprised Catina that her brothers was so oblivious to how much she loved the sport. She was obsessed! But not in a bad way.

Unhappy with not being able to sleep she crept out of the room, abandoning the slung away duvet, shutting the door quietly to keep the other girls asleep and made her way down to the kitchen and dining area. It was dark, save a small candle burning in the corner of the kitchen, encased in a magical bubble so that it didn't burn the house down. It didn't brighten much at all, only the corner to be honest but it was something at least.

Catina's ears pricked up as she neared the kitchen cupboard to get a glass, someone was coming down the stairs, she tried to smell them out but the strong scent of incense from the shelf overwhelmed her senses- she despised the smell of lavender, it was immense and reminded her of one of her old foster mother's- Edina, her whole house the powerful stench of lavender, she even wore lavender perfume.

The feeling of the unknown nerved her, it never used to but for some reason it did. As the footsteps drew closer she backed into one of the dark corners, cowering away as bare feet came into view.

"Really? We are doing this again, Kitten?"

She exhaled a large sigh of relief but smirked wildly as her boyfriend stepped closer to her. She stepped away, reminding her of what they did one of the first times they spent together in Grimmauld Place way back in July.

Fred chuckled and followed the sounds of her footsteps, "I could do this all night."

"So could I."

Just as he did the first time, he pounced on her and with a clatter pushed her into the table, a moan of pain slipping from her lips as her hip collided with the back of a chair. He felt a slight pang of guilt but also couldn't help but smirk at the sound that she released.

"Gotcha." He grinned, pressing his lips to her, "what are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep," she said, wrapping her arms around him, drawing him back in for another kiss. Fred truly did fill her with comfort and happiness, she didn't quite know how he did it, only that he made her feel alive.

"Aw missing me was you?"

She refused to admit he was right. He didn't need another ego boost, Lord knows his ego gets filled everyday by someone simply buying a Weasley Wizard Wheezes product. It was no surprise that Fred already knew the answer, he was cocky like that but he also knew that it wasn't just something to joke about despite him creating a living out of jokes and gags.

He held her tighter. Her mind had been on overload and just relishing the warm comforting hug from Fred in the silence was blissful. It was short-lived however, as she began to smell something utterly foul!

Fred's face was guilt-ridden as she pulled away from him placing her forearm over her nose and mouth whilst giving him a deathly stare that would shiver anyone's timbers. He tucked his hand into the pocket of his pyjama bottoms and tugged out a small dungbomb with a sheepish grin.

"Whoopsies, forgot that was there."

Catina shook her head, coughing into her arm and jogging towards the front door where she left to get some fresh air. Fred promptly discarded the bomb and followed after her.

"Why on earth would you sleep with a dungbomb?" Catina cried but in a tone barely above a whisper.

"I couldn't have you so I took my next best thing!"

"Your next best thing was a vile-smelling piece of shitty plastic?"


"Your bloody unbelievable, Fred, you know that?"

"Oh I do, and you adore me for it, in fact you love me for it and-"

A loud cracked echoed from around the surrounding fields cutting Fred short. Immediately he dove towards Catina and held her tightly, despite smelling utterly awful. Even she disregarded the stench despite her wolf-senses heightening it and focussed on who or what apparated to the Burrow in the early hours of the morning.

Neither could believe what they saw.

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now