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Remus guided Catina back into the house despite his drowsy self, making sure that she got into the living room before she collapsed. The pair may have slept the majority of the night but that didn't stop the aching surge around their bodies. Catina curled up into the sofa and was asleep faster than you could even say her name and Remus slugged off up to his room to do the same.

Mrs Weasley checked on the girl and covered her with an extra blanket, then shut the door behind her as she left. Most children were not awake yet as it was not even light outside at that point, except Fred who crept quietly down the stairs and into the living room without his mother and Sirius taking a blind hit of notice from the dining room as they whisper between themselves.

Fred plonked himself on the floor in front of the sofa where Catina rested. He gently pushed the hair from her face and watched as her breath tumbled from her chapped lips. She didn't look hurt, simply exhausted, but he knew better than that and guessed there was something else.

The sensation of someone twirling with her curls awoke her and she yawned widely and so un-last like but she didn't care. She pushed her eyes open with all her night and they slowly focussed on Fred who wore a cheeky grin as usual. "Oh, kitten, you look so adorable when you're sleeping."

"Bugger off." He snickered and helped her to sit up as she started to push yow ugh her arms. Fred situated himself beside her and let the girl rest her head on his shoulders, "Fred?"


"My bra has just pinged undone can you perhaps do it up for me, my arms hurt too much to try and fumble around getting it done up."

Fred had to bite his tongue for the comment he so wanted to make would not be appropriate. Usually he wouldn't hold himself back but from his father's attack and his girlfriend's furry problem, the situation just wasn't right for him to do so, no matter how much he so very wanted to. He nodded his head and waited as she turned so that her back was towards him. He raised her up her long t-shirt as saw the black strap unclasped, lazily resting against the thick scars on her back.

Despite what many may assume about Fred, he never actually had dealt with a bra or even come close to dealing with a bra. Sure, he had girlfriends, but his mother brought him up to respect women and he wasn't going to bed them as soon as he got a girlfriend, in fact, he never wanted to go that far with any of his previous girlfriends. Previous girlfriends, totally to two because, he may be popular, but it's safe to say that many girls actually didn't find the ginger hair attractive, much to his disappointment. With that said, he had a hard time trying to clasp the damn bra properly.

"What even are those clips?" He hissed as he got on clipped but failed to get the other one clipped without the first one undoing. After at least seven tries, he finally managed it. "How do you girls do those in a daily basis?"

"It gets somewhat easier after a while but we still do have a hard time every so-" She yawned, "often."

Fred pulled her shirt back down and instead of watching her clenched her jaw in pain from swivelling her body around, he gently took hold of her wuss and picked her up, twisting her to face him. She smiled softly at him and yawned once more. "I appreciate the help, darling, but I really want to sleep."

"Well," he patted his lap, "here's your pillow."

From the kitchen/dining room, Mrs Weasley began to cook some breakfast and wasn't exactly quiet about doing so. What is it about mothers and early in the morning they make as much noise as possible? Catina shook her head, "your mother is just out there, maybe next time."

Fred's shoulders slumped but he understood. He pressed a quick, tender kiss to her forehead and helped her to lay down before covering her back up. "Sleep tight, kitten." He told her and snuck out of the door and into the dining room as if he just woke up.

"Ah, George, you know of Cat's friends don't you?"

"I'm Fred, mum." He sighed as he sat at the table and poured some pumpkin juice into a glass, "but I do know of them three of them. Wouldn't say they fall into my acquaintances though, why?"

"Sirius and I were just saying how they cannot find out about her lycanthropy, that's all." Mrs Weasley said.


"Voldemort favours werewolves, trust me, it caused a lot of problems between Remus and I during the war."

"So what are you exactly saying? Her friends are his followers?"

Sirius shook his head, "we must not speculate but as Slytherins it is a possibility. They need to be in the dark as much as possible about Cat just to be on the safe side. It is more than likely that she will be approached and all the while it is still a choice to join Voldemort, I know so because I was approached, werewolves do not get such an easy choice. They're near enough forced."

Fred's heart dropped he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. It would be something he wouldn't wish on even his worst enemy let alone his girlfriend. "So in other words, you potentially want us to keep an eye on her and her friends in order to make sure it can stay hidden."

"Exactly. You read our minds, Freddie."

"It's a gift, mother."

"Anything suspicious, especially about the friends, we must be informed, or worst comes to worst go to Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall both will be able to get the message to us. I would say Snape but he's about a reliable and useful as a chocolate teapot and deserves to rot in the burning fires of hell, stupid scallywag."

"You really don't like Snape, huh."

"I'd rather be friends with Voldemort himself than Snape, and I would rather kill myself forty times over than be friends with the monster who killed my friends."

"Snape is a bit of a weirdo."

"Weirdo, Fred? My Lord, he's the nuttiest wackjob to ever walk the land! And that's putting it lightly."

Kitten; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now