Chapter 26

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-(Y/N) POV-

So it seems i have forgotten a few things in the last two chapters or so. Geoff did come to check on us when we stayed at his house after the Extra Life live stream. He didn't flip a shit like i thought he would, instead he made a video about it. The video was him walking to the guest bedroom, showing Ryan and I sleeping, and he waked out and said something like "looks like they got back together. Hopefully this means Ryan will return to Achievement Hunter." He also said something else that i don't remember. Oh and the next RTX after we got back together, remember that song Ryan and I were going to sing at the first RTX i was at? Well, people did remember and they wanted to hear it. Here, ill tell you how that all went down. Time to go back in time!

-3rd POV-

Its been two years since your first RTX, you never expected to be apart of the panel. Geoff hired you when Ryan re-joined Achievement Hunter. You aren't nervous because you use to sing infrount of thousands of people and were is only about hundred or so out there now. The questions are stupid. Things like will you ever have a heist, will you and Ryan ever get married, what is does the tunnel that says do not enter lead to. None of them that really seems to important to you but you made it seem like it did. Although there was one question that caught every ones interest.

"What was the song (Y/N) and Ryan were going to sing at RTX two years ago?"

"Yea what was the song you guys were going to sing, we only got our parts to practice, never did we practice the song together." Michael said.

"I think we have all our instruments back stage? Do you guys still remember how to play it?" You said.

All the guys said yes in one way or another, expect Ryan he doesn't want to sing.

"Please Rye-Bread, you were willing to sing it then, please sing it with me now, please baby." You said in a voice that Ryan cant say no to.

"Alright fine! Ill sing it...."

"Yay! I love you baby." You said kissing Ryan's check.

"I love you too babe."

the instruments were brought and the song was played. At the end of the song you and Ryan kissed, and geoff yelled get a room. You broke the kiss because you were laughing at what Geoff said. The fans loved the performance and loved that guys got back together.

-(Y/N) POV-

That's what happened with the song. Only after the wedding did i find that Ryan was going to propose after we sang the song at the first RTX i was at. I guess he thought that proposing on the cruise would be more romantic. We had planed that cruise for a while.

Well, i think that's everything that i was missing. Oh Ryan says Hi! Hes next to me while I'm writing this.

"I love (Y/N) so much." RYAN TYPED THAT NOT ME! Oh and, "I love you to Ryan." 

Ryan's so cute. 

Maybe in a few months ill update again to let you guys know if anything crazy has happened.

That's it from me for now. Until next time!

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