Chapter 22

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Sam took you home but he had to leave to go work. Not long after he left you got a from call, its your brother Prince Danial.

"Hey Danial whats up?" You said answering the phone.

"You need to come back now. I know Mom said you can stay there another month but we need you now."

"Alright, ill finish packing and leave right away, call you when I'm almost there."

"Alright see you soon (Y/N)."

You packed everything and somehow fit it all in your car. Good think your good at tertris. Before you left the house you wrote a note for Ryan knowing he would be by for his stuff and looking for you. You than left for the castle.


"I can't do this." Ryan said under his breathe but loud enough for the guys to here. The fans were moved into different room, Michael and Gavin went with Burnie and Gus and are doing a little podcast for the fans.

"What do you mean Ryan? Everything will work out fine." Ray said trying to calm Ryan down more. 

"I can't do this..knowing she will be watching everything that we put out.... She won't ever be able to forgive.... having to hear my voice almost everyday? I can't go on like that.."

"Ryan.. come one be reasonable about this."

"I cant...i quit...."

"Wait what did he just say?" Geoff said. He was talking with Jack a few feet away, just in earshot of Ryan and Ray.

"I said i quit. I would just bring videos down anyway, if i were to say anything at going to try and talk to (Y/N)....if she really can't forgive ill leave her alone." Ryan said defeated.

Although Geoff was angry with Ryan he felt bad. No one has very seen the Gent so defeated. Ryan was the one that was always happy and never depressed. None of the guys like seening Ryan like that but they knew they couldn't do much............. Or much can they? Jack recorded Ryan and Rays whole conversation.


You arrived at the castle 40 minutes later. There was alot of traffic. When you got the castle you called your brother. He helped you put your things in your room and you quickly unpacked before meeting your parents in there office.

"Sorry you couldn't stay there as long as you would have like sweetie, but we really needed you here." You mom said.

"Its alright, i was going to come back early anyway. Now lets get to work."


When Ryan got to what he use to call home, which just so happens to be you old house. He found all your things gone and he blames himself. He is just putting himself down as he look around. Finilly he saw the note that you left on his monitor.

    Dear Ryan,
           I still can't believe you did that, you have no idea how much pain it is causing me, but sad it say its a good thing that it happened. I'm crying as I'm writing this. The truth is i would have had to break up with you anyway no matter how much i didn't want to. I am needed back at the castle to help my mom. I wouldn't want you to come with me, you are needed with the rest of the Achievement Hunters. Im sure we will be in touch for work related purposes. Please don't try to get me back during those interactions, after what happened i will more than likely say no. Good bye Ryan.

Ryan cryed as he read the note than wasted time playing your favorite games until it was time or him to go sleep. He went up to the bed you use to share and cuddled with the pillow you left. It still had your scent on it and that was comforting to Ryan.


After Ryan left the room Geoff, Jack and Ray went to were Michael, Gavin Burnie and Gus are having the mini podcast for the fans. They went up on stage and stood behind the couch that Michael and Gavin were sitting on.

"Alright seems like everyone is here what are we talking about." Geoff said.

"What do you everyone is here? Were Ryan?" Burnie said.

"This is everyone one now...." Ray said.

"You mean he quit?" Gavin said.

"Yea. He did...." Jack said.

There was a moment of silence before they continued with the podcast.


You worked until you had to go to bed and once you were you cuddled with a teddy bear Ryan gave you for Valentine's day. Everyone went to bed that night not knowing it would the last day you would see Ryan and the guys and the last time Ryan saw the guys as well.


Hope you all enjoyed the story! Stay awesome~

Royalty? (Ryan Haywood)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ