Chapter 7

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You told everyone about you being the princess two days after your birthday, everyone but Ryan was shocked. Although they understood and will. Few weeks after you told them school started. You every now and then you would catch Ryan and Laurie kissing in the halls, still hurt you and you still don't know why.

Now its about half way through 11th grade. You are at your locker before you have to go to class.

"Hey Babe." Sam said walking up to you kissing you, of course you kissed him back.

"Hey Baby." You said smiling

"You are coming over after school right?"

"Of course!" 

"You can't." Geoff said

"What why?!"

"Moms taking us to get hair cuts than we are going to Ray to start the week of sleepovers." 

"Oh yea. Sorry baby, next week! Promise."

"Alright. You going to sleep over like usual?"

"You know it." 


You kissed Sam and Ryan gave a look of jealousy, no noticed hes faces of jealous, well until till today.

"You alright Ryan." Jack asked.

"Yea...I'm fine. I'm going to go to class." Ryan said and than stormed off. 

"Whats up with him?" Ray said.

"I think i know, i but i don't know it its true. I'm just taking a guess. I'll tell you later. Come on we all should head to class. The five minute bell just rang." 


You giggled after you broke the kiss and grabbed his hand and walked to class together.


Next morning after getting dressed you spent several minutes fixing your hair, so long that Geoff and Gavin made a bet.

"Geoff, i bet that (Y/N) will fix her hair at least 15 times during the school."

"Nah man, more than that! I say 20!"

"How much we betting?"

"Ryan and (Y/N) kissing?"

"So either way they have to kiss? That's a bet I'm willing to make, Geoffrey."

"Alright its a bet!"

"Who gets what when who loses?" Ryan said walking into the room. The others and you were to busy doing other things to hear what they said.

"You and (Y/N) will have to kiss!" Gavin said.

"Not happening. Laurie would kill me, plus I'm not betraying my girlfriend."

"Its not going to happen Gavin! I'm not going to kiss him! Not even if he was the last person on Earth!" You said.

"Gee thanks! Like your actually a good kisser. Doubtful..." 

"Oh im sorry, unlike you I don't suck my boyfriends face off when ever i can."'

"Laurie and I don't suck each others faces off! We kiss! And we do not kiss that often!"

"Oh yes you do! 9th grade in my room when we were playing games and it was your turn to sit out! every time we go to the park, lunch, shall i keep going?!"

"Sorry I want to show my girlfriend i love her!"

"What, you saying my boyfriend doesn't love me? We wouldn't be dating for 10 and a half years if he didn't!"

"At least 5 of those years don't count! And so what you guys were together longer.. oh my god! And so what? We are 16, what ever you two have wont last that much longer. Laurie and I will prob be together longer than we and Sam will ever be!"

"Doubt that! She isn't that big on the video game thing and if you guys plan to do shit with video games when you get older she will leave your sorry ass so fast."

"You really think you and Sam will make it past graduation?! I doubt you will have time for a relationship!"

"I'll make sure i have time! Unlike you who's going straight to collage! I would if i had the opportunity to." 

"Trust me I will always have time for Laurie."

That was the start of a day full of fighting.


"Will you to shut up! You have been fighting since we left Rays!" Michael said. You are now all at hes house in hes basement.

You two ignored him and kept on with the fighting. "Holy shit! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KISS ALREADY!" Gavin yelled. Just than Ryan extremely quickly pushed the hair out of your face, placing his hand behind your ear so hes holding your head and smashed hes lips into yours. Quickly you realized what was going on and kissed him back. They guys went silent. Little did you know Gavin was recording, and you never found out.

"Happy now Gavin?" Ryan said once he broke the kiss and removing his hand from face, acting like it might nothing. With just that one kissed did you realize you feel for Ryan, that kiss meant more to you than any other kiss you ever shared with Sam, but it seemed to you as if it didn't mean anything to him, so you just ignored it.

"Yep, very." Gavin said.

You slapped Ryan. "Never do that again ass hole, you are horrible kisser." You said than walked away form him.


Its 3 am, you everyone else is sleeping, you cant. Your just sitting up with your knees to  your chest. Tearing a little, thinking of the kiss.

"Hey (Y/N), you alright?" Jack asked.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"Doesn't seem that way.. whats wrong."

"Everyone else is sleeping?"


"....its the kiss, it made me realize why i got so upset when i saw Ryan and Laurie kissing...i have a crush on Ryan.."

"You know, i think he likes you to, when we were at you locker yesterday, he stormed off while you Sam were kissing, he seemed jealous."

"That doesn't mean anything.. he just kissed me to make Gavin happy."

"I think it does, we should get to sleep, we still have to go to school tomorrow. I'm  telling he does like you.." 

"I think your wrong... promise you wont tell anyone i told you that, especially Sam and Ryan!"

"I promise."

And with that you fell asleep, not wanting to wake tomorrow morning having to face Ryan, or Sam for that matter.


Hey! I would just like to give a quick thanks to GirlGamer770 for always pointing out things i missed when i double check the chapter. xD Shes an awesome and a good writer as well, go check out her stories if you like! That's all. Thanks again Clare! 


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