Chapter 21

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"Alright, well, we have one more song for you guys and then that's it for now." Michael said. Once Ryan broke the kiss. He just stared at Laurie realizing what hes done.

You got up and ran out of the room crying. "(Y/N) wait." Ryan said going to run after you but Geoff grabbed his arm. Tina and Griffon ran out following you, going to question there significant other later.

"What just happened?!" Geoff said. "WHY IS MY LITTLE SISTER CRYING?!" Geoff yelled at Ryan

Everyone looked Geoff. "What the fuck, i thought you didn't remember her or like anything from elementary school and high school." Jack said.

"Of course i remember everything! You think i would forget my sister, even is she isn't my sister anymore! NOW WHY THE FUCK DID SHE RUN OUT CRYING!" Geoff said. 

"Doesn't matter from right now let me go! I have to go after her!" 

"Not until you tell me whats going on Haywood!" Geoff said grinding hes teeth together.

"I FUCKED UP THAT'S WHAT! (Y/N) AND I HAVE BEEN DATING FOR OVER A YEAR! It was actually exactly one year one the day we made the bet, when i got home. We then came up with this elaborate plan that involved that last song.. Now let me go! I need to see her!"


"You son of a bitch! I don't want you going anywhere near my sister again!" 

"You can't stop me! Shes not your sister! She never was and never will be!" 

"You take that back." Geoff said tightening hes grip on Ryan's arm.

"No, you know its true, don't deny the truth! Now let me go! I need to go find her!" 

"Your not going to find her Ryan. If we cant and we followed her since the second she ran out, your not going to find her." Griffon said. "Let him go Geoff.."

"Shes no were to be found. She made a turn somewhere and we lost her." Tina said. 

Geoff let go of Ryan like Griffon said. "What do you mean you cant find her....she couldn't have just disappeared..."

"Holy shit... we need to find her..." Michael said. He was holding something is hes hand that he took out of Ryan jacket pocket.


You ran out of the room crying, vision blurry from the tears. You ran to the only place you knew that the guys wouldn't find you. Its a secret place in the park only you and Sam know about. You knew that Tina and Griffon were following you so you made a sharp turn in hopes of losing them. You did. You than continued your way to the park. Once you got there you sat down and hugged your knees.

"Hey, you alright.." Sam said. You didn't expect him to show up.

"Not really..."

"I saw what happened. It will be alright, if you like it or not im here for you."

"Thank you Sam, seems like you are always here for me."

"Of course. Always had to be there for my girlfriend, even now, although you aren't my girlfriend anymore." Sam said rubbing your back to try and clam you down. 

"I don't ever want to see him again. How could he do that to me."

"Hey, its alright. I wont let him hurt you ever again, but i do think we should head back and grab your things than ill take you home and than we can play Call of Duty, I know you love that game."

"Alright. That sounds like a good idea."


When you walked back into the room, everyone was arguing. fans arguing with fans, Geoff and Ryan yelling at each other. Ray was backing up Ryan, Jack backing up Geoff, Gavin and Michael going at it with the fans, Tina and Laurie yelling at each other. It was just a mess. You were able to get on stage without being seen, but once you were on stage one of the fans yelled out you were there, then they all yelled that you were there.

"Fucking shit..." you said under your breath.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry, i didn't know what i was doing, I'm so sorry, i love you more than anything, I'm nothing with out you." Ryan said hugging you.

"Stay away from me!" You said pushing him off of you starting to cry again. "Get you shit out of my house later than I never want to see you again!" 

"(Y/N), come on be reasonable here, you know he loves you more than anything." Ray said. "Remember a few weeks ago when you came back to the office after not answering the phone Ryan was pacing the room. He wouldn't shut up about going to look for you, but we weren't able to leave the office because we were suppose to be editing videos."

"I bet he was just acting and didn't really care..."

"(Y/N), as my little sister I don't want you anywhere near Ryan!" Geoff said,

"What did you just call me your little sister?" You said furious. "So you do remember everything. You are just as bad as Ryan!! I cant believe you pretended to forget me! And I'm not that much younger than you! I'm only two months younger than you! Also, I'm not your little sister anymore! You can stay the fuck away from to! You are both bitches!"

"I did that to protect you from them!" Geoff said pointing to the fans. "Well more specifically the YouTube commenters."

"You really think i care! I was getting so much shit in high school for always hanging out with boys. The sluts in the school think that i had slept with everyone by 10th grade!" You yelled at Geoff. "WHICH IS NOT TRUE BY THE WAY! NEVER WOULD I EVER WANT TO SLEEP WITH ANY OF THEM!!!!" You said to the fans.

"I'm sure you slept with Ryan at one point with in the last year." Michael said.


"So your just going to leave with Sam? What does he have that i don't! All through out high school i tried to figure it out. I eventually just gave up, but I'm not giving up this time. I love you more than anything in the world! (Y/N) please, listen to me! I didn't mean to kiss Laurie! I love you, I will do anything for you.. please i love you!" Ryan said starting to cry

"You've gone soft Haywood, but you lost your chance, and no I'm getting back with Sam. He's just taking me home because you drove us here. You can get your things out of my house later, than l never want to see you again.."

You and Sam then left to go home. But Ryan grabbed you before you can get off the stage. "(Y/N) don't leave me please. I'm nothing with out. I can't with out you. Who else will i watch shitty movies with? Watch old Rooster Teeth and Achievement videos with, read stupid fanfics with, complain about xbox live with. I need you more than thing. You are the love of my life. I wont be able to get along with out you."

"Than why did you kiss Laurie? I know she kissed you first but you didn't have to kiss her back. I wouldn't be so upset with you if you didn't kiss her back. Now let go of me."

"I don't know.......please you have to believe me i love you more than anything."

"You should have thought of that before you kissed Laurie......" You said pulling your arm free from his grip. 

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