Chapter 16

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The next morning you woke up on the couch, Ryan was gone but the black button down shirt he wore the night before is on the floor. You walk into the kitchen to see Ryan making pancakes, your favorite.

"Good Morning (Y/N)." Ryan said when he saw you standing there.

"Good Morning Rye-Bread." You said using the nick name you gave him in second grade but stopped using after he kissed you junior year.

"Why did you ever stop calling me that? For some reason just Michael calls me that now. Pancakes are ready, sit."

" that i think about, i stopped calling you that the day you kissed me Junior year...." you said sitting down and Ryan put a plate with two pancakes in front of you.

"I know I made it seem like that kiss met nothing, but it really meant the world to me...I loved  every second and didn't want it to stop."

"Don't remember to much from that day, mostly because i didn't want to remember it, although i do remember slapping you. Sorry about that. I was trying to make it like that kiss wasn't the best thing to ever have happened to me."

"I'm glad that you agreed to my girlfriend."

"I'm glad you asked, now lets eat." You said pouring syrup on your pancakes and started to eat.


After breakfast you went with Ryan pack to his place so he could get a change of clothes, you also told him to bring pajamas and two pairs of clothes, one from Sunday and another for Monday, than went to the park for a few hours. You wanted to kill some time, before you needed to be back home to practice for your up coming concert, and for once you didn't want to play games.

When you returned home you and Ryan went upstairs so you could tell him were to put his bag. You than both started to head to downstairs when the door bell rang, Ryan continued on to the basement not thinking twice about it while you opened the door, everyone was there. They all came together as a better excuse to tell there wives/girlfriends they were going to hang out with the guys.

"Could get hold of Ryan, so we don't know were he is." Ray said.

"Hes here already, you didn't see his car out front?" you said.

"Oh, would you look at that. Alright i take back what i said before." 

You laughed as you closed the door after Ray walked in. You practiced the songs and everything went well. You didn't tell the guys that you and Ryan are dating, it kind if slipped both your minds while they were there. 

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