Chapter 11

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'I cant believe shes really gone. Shes my little sister. I never thought she would leave. How can i keep my promise to mom about protecting her if shes so faraway and shes always going to be busy with learning how to probably be a princess. Ryan didn't have to do this because he learned as he grew up. Wait even hes moving away from us. Hes going to collage, fucking hell so  is Jack. I can't believe any of this all my friends are leaving, even Griffon is leaving to travel the world. Michael and Ray are moving back to were they lived before they moved here, and Gavin is going back to England. What the fuck kind of name is England anyway. Just, everyone is leaving me. First my sister, than my girlfriend, and now my best friends, maybe forgetting them is the best thing to do......" Geoff thought to himself as he downed another beer.

"Geoff calm down on the beer, we have work to do." Burnie said.

"Right, the lines ready?"

"Yea. Here you go."

Geoff recored the lines he needed to than helped Gus with some of the animations. 

Burnie and Gus are friends of Geoffs. They planed awhile ago that after graduation that they would create a website called Rooster Teeth and create a show called Red VS Blue for a few months, they were originally going to start yesterday but they changed it to day when because Geoff went with to the castle yesterday.


'Why am I so upset shes gone? I know i love her but i love my girlfriend more than anything. Damn it (Y/N) what did you do to me. I guess i should be happy because i will have to work with her as we get older, but i don't want to wait until then to see her. I can't believe I'm thinking of her, i just need to focus on my girlfriend and collage..yea, as much as i love her, shes gone...i will see her again one day, but that day is not anytime soon.' Ryan thought to as he finished packing up for collage.


'I wonder how Geoffs doing now that (Y/N) is gone. I know he really loved his littler sister. Speaking of love i wonder how Ryan is. He is the one that fell in love her, but knew he could never have her. Hope they aren't doing anything stupid. Hopefully one day i will be able to see them all again.' Jack thought while putting the last things into hes car to leave for collage.


'Oh yay back here again. At least I'm with family. Wonder how the guys are doing. Hopefully they are alright. I know Geoff was upset the most, hes the only one that isn't leaving that town. I can't believe I'm going back to England, cant wait to see Dan again. hopefully the Slow Mo Guys will be a success and be able to make it into something big.' Gavin thought while hes plane took off.


'Back in this hell hole. Where my leather jacket, i know i packed it. Man. Can't believe we all left with two days. Geoffs the only one that stayed there, think the girls stayed as well, but all the guys and (Y/N), gone. Achievement Hunter broke up in the matter of what 24 48 hours.....' Michael thought as he tired to find hes leather jacket.


'Got to get this achievement....i would show off my gamer score to the games but i cant do that anymore because they are all gone, and i moved back to were i use to live.... Man... lost all my friends and my girlfriend in the matter of hours... fuck..' Ray thought has he tried to get an achievement.

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