Chaper 5

544 18 0

So basically the rest of 7th grade was full of bullshit, recording random moments, concerts, and a feeling of jealousy when you saw Ryan and Laurie kiss. You just brushed it off like it as nothing.

8th grade is the same as 7th. Its the middle of the year and everyone is sleeping over. At least once every month since 5th grade you all had a week or so of just sleep overs going from house to house, it usually went from Rays, to Micheal's, Gavin's - once he joined the group - to Ryan's, to Jacks, to Geoffs, since Geoffs house is also your house you usually did two nights there. One night everyone would sleep in Geoff room, the other everyone would sleep in your room.

Tonight you had trouble sleeping because you are in Geoffs bed, Geoff is on the floor, so since your home you decided to just go into your room. Geoff was awake to and before you get off the bed Geoff came and sat next to you, and for some weird reason you started to record.

"Hey (Y/N). Cant sleep?" Geoff said.

"Yea...why is your bed so uncomfortable?"

"Hey my bed is very comfy!"

"Yea right. So why are you up?"

"I want my bed back."

"As do I was just just about to go into my room."

"Good. Careful not to step on any of the guys."

"Wasn't going to. Oh yea! If some reason, i lose contact with you and the guys. I want you to make the effort to stay in contact with them. Find something to do together. I feel like you all would be able to find a job you all enjoy."

"You make it sound like your leaving us.."

"I wont, but the universe works in weird ways."

"Oh and about the job thing, what the fuck would six guys that play video games 24/7 be able to amount to? All we do is hunt for achievements to boost our game scores. Well that's mostly Ray but still."

"That's its! Your a genius! The Achievement Hunters! That's you guys! With you as there leader. Look at them sleeping peacefully, they are your hunters."

"Achievement Hunters. I like that." Geoff said not noticing you left yourself out. You were kinda glad he didn't notice. Around your 16th birthday you plain to tell the king and queen of maple isle that your there daughter. You already told Mrs.Ramsay. she agreed with what ever is best for you.

"Alright I'm going into my room. Good Night Geoff." You said stopping the recording.

"Good Night (Y/N)."

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