Chapter 20

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One day before RTX. Since the guys don't have anything special planed for an opening for the panel were your reveal that you are the Mysteries you asked Geoff if you could edit together all of the videos you all have recorded over the years while you were back stage at concerts. If you did all of them than it would be longer than you have time for, plus some of them might  be able to be out out as happy hours. So you took everyone's phone and storage's devices, even Geoffs, sat down and Ryan computer and started to edit it all together. That only took you all day. Good thing Ryan didn't need hes computer.


RTX. You followed the guys around, never were in a panel. It wasn't your place. You just stayed back stage or in the front row. On the second day of RTX you met up with Sam an followed him around, this time Ryan knew you were with him, he wasn't happy about it but you reassured him nothing was going to happen and that you only love him. Third day of RTX you followed Ryan around. That night you all went to get hair cuts.


Last day of RTX, the reveal.

You are all wearing your masks, Geoff is wearing selves and gloves, Michael, and Jack are also wearing long selves to cover up there tattoos like at every concert. You did a panel before the concert. After the playing all the songs but the one Burnie and Gus went up on stage.

"Alright so we just have a few question before you guys take off your masks." Burnie said.

"Sword, whats your opinion on whats about to happen?" Gus said to Geoff.

"Its about time, i cant wait to get this darn gloves off than go back stage and put a t-shirt on." 

"Angel, how did you end up with such a girly name?" Burnie said to Jack.

"To contrast with Devil. Its alright though, in some games I'm a girl. Don't ask why because i really don't know."

"Wow, Banjo, your just a fan of the game im guessing." Gus to said to Michael

"Yep! Not like Sword said, can we hurry this up i really want to go back stage and put short selves on." 

"Grain, how the fuck did you get such a stupid name?" Burnie said to Gavin.

"Devil came up with it! She didn't put much thought into it." Gavin said. You laughed.

"Crazy, did you get your name because your crazy?" Gus said to Ryan.

"You have no idea how crazy i could be sometimes." Ryan said

"Devil, is there a good reason to it?" Burnie said to you.

"I could easily act like the Devil sometimes, you know Micheal Jones? Worse Rage than him, and Prince Ryan Haywood, i sometimes I'm more insane him. At the same time sometimes to, so like the Devil." 

"Alright then.." Burnie said.

"Blaze? How did you get your name? I cant think of any form of a good explanation." Gus said.

"Well.." Ray said smiling and grabbing hes mask. "JUST BLAZE AM I RIGHT?!" Ray said taking off his mask. The fans went crazy. "Vav, you out there, X-Ray needs you!"

"I'm right here X-Ray!" Gavin said taking off hes mask. "Wait were my boi, Micool?! Micool were are you my boi."

"Right my boi!" Michael said taking off his mask. "Team Lads bitches, didn't see that one coming did ya?" Michael said putting his arm around both of the lads.

"Now wouldn't it be cool if the Gents were here, R&R Connection all  the way!" Ray said.

"R&R Connection for the win!" Ryan said taking off hes mask. "Although there's one thing i don't understand." Ryan said.

"What is it?" Burnie said.

"How the fuck does anyone mistake my voice for Jacks!"

"Our voices are closer than we think i guess, but your right." Jack said taking off his mask. "Now all we need is Geoff and Team Gents would be complete.

"What?" Geoff said laughing and taking off hes mask. "You guys are idiots, talk about my 5 greatest mistakes."

"What about me I'm still here ya know, wouldn't be very far with me, in more ways than one." You said.

"That's true." Michael said. 

"So who are you?!" Gus said.

"The unofficial forth member of Team Lads." You said taking off your mask walking over to team Lads.

You took some questions from the fans. Wasn't many good ones. Until someone asked this.

"Its the last day of RTX! Who won the bet?!" 

"I won! Ryan doesn't have a girlfriend!" Gavin said cheering

"Well, actually Gavin yo-" Ryan was starting to say until some caught his eye that just walked in. "Laurie?! Is that you?" 

You whipped your head to look at Laurie. 

"Hey Ryan!" Laurie said walking up to the stage. "RTX technically isn't over for another few hours. Why don't you say we give us another try? Then you would technically win the bet." 


Yours eyes started to tear in disbelieve, Ray looked over to. "uh..." Ray said.

"KISS KISS KISS!!" The fans chanted. Laurie walked up on stage,and kissed Ryan. He kissed her back.

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