Chapter 14

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 Geoff went over to Burnies office, his eyes starting to water.

"Hey Geoff, whats wrong buddy?" Burnie said. "You can lock the door behind you." This wasn't the first time Geoff went to Burnie to talk. He would go to Gus or Matt, but they wouldn't care and say fuck off in the end. Burnie cares try's to give advice to all of his employees, not just Geoff.

"Shes here...."

"You little sister?"

"She isn't my little sister anymore, she hasn't been since graduation." Geoff said letting the tears fall from his eyes. 

"Do they know that you everything?" 

"No, I never told them, I thought it would better that way. Now (Y/N) thinks i don't remember her. I promised my mom i would protect her......i feel as if I'm breaking that promise."

"Well so far she hasn't needed protection, and while shes here, if she needs it you will be there for her."

"Yea i guess your right....she moved back her so that means i will be able to protect her more easily. Thanks Burnie!"

"That's what I'm here for!" Burnie said than Geoff walk around the building for a little.


Ryan helped you sync. Although you knew what they were doing you still couldn't do it, you never thought it would be that hard.

"LLLLLLLLLETS PLAY!" Ray yelled almost load enough to blow out the audio. "Call of Duty! Now, i know what your thinking, you already did so many lets plays in this game, why do more? Well today with the master of Call of Duty with us! Shes even better than i am."

"Sup bitches?! (Y/N) here! And thank you X-Ray! I know I'm better than you, I'm better than you in many ways I'm sure."

"Are you going to call me X-Ray throughout the whole video?"

"Every since what fifth grade i have called you X-Ray? I'm not going to stop now!"


"Least your nick name isn't also a girls name.." Jack said.

"Aw come on Jackie, it isn't that bad!" 

"Lets just start the game...." Jack said.

Everyone laughed and the game started. Your team was winning by a land slide, even with Jack on your team. Soon we switched teams with Ray. 


The room went silent to hearing you say Grain.


"Grain...." Gavin said.


"I'll edit this video and just censor it." Ray said.

You went through the rest of the video without slipping up and after the microphones were turned off you started to ask about the old band. Everyone said that they wouldn't mind doing a few more concerts. Than Geoff walked in.

"Yo Geoff, can you still play the drums? Don't question how i know just answer the question."

"Alright and yea i do."

"you guys want to come to my place after work and practice?"

Everyone agreed, even Geoff. 


Over the next few days you all practiced and were just as good as when you stopped playing, even better maybe. You were able to book a concert. In those days you also got a job, not at Achievement Hunter or Rooster Teeth. You also became close with Ryan.

Royalty? (Ryan Haywood)Where stories live. Discover now