Chapter 23

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As the year went on you became Queen of Maple Isle and traveled all of Maple Isle. Ryan became King of Minetopa, the rest of the guys still do the same thing they did before and you still watch there videos as well as reading and writting fanfics about them. Its weird without Ryan in the videos, its defiantly different in the office. They no longer do king videos, Ryan is the one and only king of achievement City. You still love Ryan, and he still loves you. You have forgiven him for his actions being that he was so upset with you leaving he quit, you never told him that you forgave him, you didnt think it quite mattered to much you never see him and you haven't found a reason to see him.

You haven't seen any of the guys or Ryan in a year and four months. Ryan hasn't seen the guys either. Its October and time for the Extra Life Live Stream, and you plan on going. Team Lads is going to be there around 12pm-3am, well, whats Team Lads without the unofficial fourth member? You put on black jeans, a grey t-shirt, a grey button down that had a few blue lines here and there, it was a plade like pattern but not really - its actually Geoff old shirt that you took from him and had it made bigger so it would still fit - and for shoes you wore black converse that had green shoe laces, and green line going around them. Its only noon so you decided to put your rooster teeth pajama pants, and an over sized black shirt in a bag along with a black bra, clean underwear, deodorant, your tooth brush, tooth paste, some things you needed for your hair in case you felt like putting it up, and Just Dance 2015, and through it in the back of your car in case you didn't feel like driving back to the castle later. You through your bag in the back of your car, then did some work that you needed to do before leaving, said good bye to your mom, dad and Danial. Then left for stage 5. 

You got there about 30minutes later, there wasn't an traffic at all. You left your bag in your car and went into the building. You stood off stage where no one could see you. Jack, Caiti, Arryn, Barbra, and Ryan was there. You immediately came up with a plan, and were able to get Caitis attention with out anyone else noticing. You told her the plan and she agreed easily.

Caiti walked up to Jack and covered his eyes, moving his glasses aside.

"Caiti, what are you doing.." Jack said. Arryn and Barbra laughed.

"Helping a friend." Caiti said smiling.

You were able to walk around the set, so that Ryan didn't couldn't see you and placed your hands on eyes like Caiti did to Jack. 

"Alright, who ever this is move your hands..." Ryan said.

"Guess who it is first, than she will move your hands." Caiti said.

"Then why are you covering my eyes Caiti?!"

"So that you don't give away!" 

"So its someone we both know?" Jack said.


"You don't think its..." Jack said. "I can't think of who else it could be..."

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Ryan said.

"Aw man. I thought it would be harder to get!"  You said removing your hands from Ryan's eyes.

"Holy shit.." Ryan said.

"What? Surprised to see me?" You said.

"Kinda..." Jack said.

"HOLY SHIT IS THAT (Y/N)?!" Geoff said.

"Hey Geoff." You said. He walked over and you guys hugged.

"You aren't still mad at me are you?" 


"A-are you still mad with me?" 

"Nah."  You said "OH! And i have a a goal for the stream!"

"What is it?" Jack said.

Royalty? (Ryan Haywood)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora