Chapter 3

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Jack was able to get you guys the gig at the park, you all had a lot of fun. You did all kinds of different songs and a lot of people were there, some you think were fans from your YouTube channel. You gave your selves fake names that were very obvious to be fake. You are Devil, Jack is Angel, Geoff is Sword, Michael is Banjo, Ryan is Crazy, and Ray is Blaze. That was the start of your performing career. Soon you guys did all kinds of gigs and someone even contacted you to play at a real theater and you would have back up dancers and people to play the guitar while you sing. Playing and singing wasn't always easy. You all have a lot of fun with it. Although the fact that your the missing princess of Maple Isle still lingers in the back of your mind. You want to tell your friends but your afraid. You don't want to lose Geoff as your brother, or any of them. You think of them all as family, expect for one person although you wont except it, not yet at least. 

"Ready for tomorrow (Y/N)?" Geoff asked, you staying at hes house again.

"Whats tomorrow?" 

"First day of hell, other wise known as high school."

"Fuck that's right. God. Why does our school have to be stupid and have 7th grade start high school?

"I don't know, but we better get to sleep so we don't sleep in on your first day of school."


You and Geoff went to your rooms and fell asleep, both not wanting to wake up at 6:30 to go to school tomorrow. Michael doesn't see the point of going to school anymore. You all already make descent money from the concerts. You and Ryan are able to convince him that going to school is good so that way you don't end up stupid, plus you all agreed to save that money for collage. Anything else that you really need now you find other ways to get money. Sometimes you ask the king and queen of Maple Isle or your brother Danial. Over the years you began to hang around the castle when Sam or the guys couldn't hang out. You got really close with Danial, you and him play PC minecraft when ever you go over. The King and Queen treat you like there daughter, you haven't told them that you are. 

Your alarm clock went off waking you from your peaceful sleep. You turned it off and walked out of your room to the kitchen to make yourself a bowl of cereal. Geoff walked in a few seconds later and also made himself a bowl of cereal.

"Why haven't you moved in yet?" Geoff asked half asleep.

"What do you mean?" Your more awake than Geoff now that you started to eat.

"Just pack take what ever you have left from that fucking place you hate with the people that you hate and just live here. Mom wont care."

"I guess i could.."

"Do it, make your life easier, I don't want to know that you covering anther bruise from them with make-up. I know you hate wearing make-up."

"Alright I will." you said happily before going upstairs to brush your teeth and change into you favorite pear of shorts and a somewhat fancy top. You wanted to look good for the first day of your new school.

Geoff was ready before you like always because he didn't have long hair to do. Once you had your sandals on you walked you and Geoff walked to school. You met the guys and Sam at your locker. When you got there you kissed Sam, Ryan gave a look of jealousy.

"Hey babe, you look great." Sam said.

"Thanks baby." You said kissing Sam again.

"Get a room!" Jack said.

"Babe, want to come over later? Maybe go to the park first?"


"Lets get to class before we are late." Ryan hissed.

First 5 periods were boring, you had every class with all your friends and you noticed there was anther kid that so far had every class with you. You went to your locker with Sam to get your lunch then you both walked into the cafeteria. It was pretty big. You looked for a place were you and your friends could sit when you noticed the same kid that's in your other classes sitting alone in the corner. You grabbed Sam and walked over to the table.

"Hi, can my friends and I sit with you? They should be here soon."

"Uh..sure." The kid said with a British accent. You and Sam took a seat across from him.

"I'm (Y/N), and this is my boyfriend Sam whats your name?"

"Gavin.." He said.

"There's (Y/N) over there." Geoff said pointing over to you, Sam and Gavin.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Geoff said taking a seat next to Gavin. Michael sat on the other side of him. Ray next Michael. Ryan next to you and Jack next to him.

"Hey guys. This is Gavin. Gavin this is, Geoff Ramsay, Michael Jones, Ray Narvaez Jr, Prince James Haywood but call him Ryan or he will hurt you, and that's Jack Patillo." They guys said 'Hi' or 'hey' when they names were said.

"So Gavin, you like video games?" Geoff said.

"Who doesn't?" Gavin said.

Michael started laughing.

"Whats to bloody funny?" Gavin said

"Whats up with the accent?" Michael said laughing.

"I moved here from England over the summer." 

"Come on Michael, he accent isn't that funny, in fact its kinda cute." You said smiling.

Ryan and Sam both gave a look of jealousy.

"Its not that cute babe." Sam said.

"Its adorable, your just jealous!" 


"Stop it! I want to eat my lunch without barfing!" Geoff said.

Everyone laughed, Gavin seemed to fit right in. 

After school you and Sam went to the park and had a nice romantic picnic. Although you had to leave at 4:30 because Danial and Mrs.Ramsay was going with you to the police. You had told her about you being the princess a few years ago when you stayed up one night from not being able to sleep. She said that when ever you decide to tell the police about it you don't have to go live in the castle right away, you could live with her Mr.Ramsay and Geoff. Geoff parents were like your parents. 

The people that kidnapped you were arrested, and your name is (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Ramsay. You didn't want to go live in the castle with Danial and your real parents, you weren't ready for that, Danial understood, so now your officially a Ramsay. Holding your new legal birth certificate you walk up Geoffs room were all the guys were, even Gavin.

"Sup fuckers!" You said happily.

"Hey (Y/N)" Ryan said.

"How was your date with Sam?" Jack asked.

"Good, hey Geoff can i talk to you outside for a second."

"Yea sure." Geoff said then followed you outside. "Whats up?"

"Look." You said showing him the birth certificate. "Now, I'm legally your sister."

"Holy shit that's amazing."

"I know right, I'm going to go give this to mom than I'll be back to play with you guys. Also we need to practice, finding something that Grain can do in the band." You said.

"Wait whoes Grain?"


After giving your birth certificate back to Mrs.Ramsay, you met the guys in the basement. Gavin was happy that you all excepted him so easily. He was able to do play the guitar so that was relieve for you. Now you focused on singing and the violin for school and sometimes during concerts as a band as well. The band was complete and that's really all that mattered though.

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