Chapter 18

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The next day you wake up before Ryan so you grab your head phones and your laptop and surf YouTube. You were going through random MMV's(Maplestory Music Videos) when you came across a across over between Katy Parry's Dark Horse and E.T when you the perfect idea.

"Rye-Bread wake up." You said waking Ryan.

"Hmm, what time is it?" Ryan said turning over so he was facing you.

"Almost 10."

"Why are you up so early?" Ryan said sitting up.

"Don't know, but you got to listen to this song. Its a crossover between Dark Horse and ET. Do you think we can sing this on the last day of RTX and have this could be how we tell the guys we are together?"

"This is a good idea, but how? That would involve telling everyone that we are the  Mysteries."

"Maybe its time we tell the world, you guys are already famous. Its not like we cant do concerts if we wanted to if tell everyone. Hiding it is getting harder anyway. 

"Yea i guess your right, take off from work tomorrow and we will talk to the guys about it, and than talk to Burnie and Matt about maybe extending RTX by a day and that day could be like a half a day were we reveal that we are the  Mysteries and i could show the how much i love you."

"Alright, if they agree can we do the song? Please!"

"Of course!" Ryan said kissing you. You kissed back.

The rest of the day was a lazy, although at one point you two did start practicing the song.


The guys agreed, Geoff didn't really care. You than called in Matt and Burnie and told them the idea. They agreed and were like holy shit huge fans. It was funny. After the work day was over you all went to your place and started practicing songs that you are going to play. For dinner you invited the girls over. In the year that you have been back you really only saw Tina, Lindsay and sometimes Meg. 

When everyone got there you ordered pizza and caught up on old time, careful not to slip up about you and Ryan dating.

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