Chapter 19

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RTX is in less than two weeks. You gave the music to the guys, you told them that you needed to know it for the last day RTX. It wasn't the first time you gave them music that they needed to know without having time to rehearsal it so they didn't question. You helped Ryan prepare for RTX the best you can. You practiced the song when you get the chance and its sounding really good. You are also helping out the guys in the office. You told your boss you needed a while off to help prepare for the event, he gladly gave it to.


Less than a week until RTX, you are taking a break from helping the guys and walking around the park, you needed some air and you love the park, so many things happened here. You met Sam here, Danial, hung out with the guys, first kiss with Sam. You loved walking around here when you actually felt like going outside.

"(Y/N)?" A man said from behind you.

"Sam?!" You said turning around.

You both hugged for a second. "How have you been?" Sam said.

"Been good yourself?"

"Been good as well. What have you been doing since we broke up?"

"Nothing special really, moved back here a little over a year ago. Found the old guys and im helping them out with preparing RTX, a convention they host."

"I'm going to RTX! I'll see you there i hope."

"Definitely! Maybe we can get lunch one day."

"Don't seem to be doing much now, want to go?"

"Sure!" You said. Your phone started vibrating but you ignored, Ryan was calling.


After lunch you went back to the office, Ryan was pacing the room, Geoff was going over some last minute details with Gus, Matt, and Burnie, Michael was off doing god knows what with Lindsay, Gavin and Meg, Ray was in the room with Ryan.

"Where have you been, you weren't answering you phone I was so worried." Ryan said hugging you when he saw you walking in the room. 

You hugged him back. "I was just getting lunch with a friend, calm down Rye-Bread, I'm alright." You said thinking it was better not to tell him you were with Sam.

"Don't think I ever saw him that insane." Ray said.

You laughed. "Love me that much huh?"

"I love you more than anything."

You kissed him, Ray made puking noises. You and Ryan both laughed.

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