Chapter 8

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Michael was the first to wake up, he went up stairs and started get bowls and spoons out for everyone, still a school day. Than Jack woke, Ray, you, Geoff, Gavin, and last was Ryan. When everyone woke they went up stairs and started to eat and get ready for the day. You did your best to avoid any form of conversation with Ryan. Once you got to school it was easier because they all went to there own lockers before rejoining you at yours with there girlfriends. Sam had just gotten to your locker when you got there. 

"Hey Babe." Sam said when he saw you.

"Hey Baby! Missed you." You to quickly kissed, than you opened your locker to put away your jacket, and boxes you wont need until later, you also took out the books you needed for the first few classes.

"Missed you to love. Can't wait until next week when you can come over. I miss going on little dates after school."

"I miss it too. I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Sam kissed you and of course you kiss him back. Just as you two start to kiss Ryan and Laurie show up. Ryan feels a wave of depression come over him.

"Hey guys!" Laurie says.

You broke the kiss after hearing Laurie's voice. "Hi Laurie!"

"Cant wait for Friday."

"I know right, i cant wait to be able to wake up with out having to go to school, gonna play video games, and hang out with Sam."

"I don't see whats so great about video games."

"They are entertaining, and fun, and you get to beat the shit out of people."

"Meh, to eachs own."



Few weeks later you stayed home from school because your sick.Geoff stayed home to take care of you because Mr. and Mrs.Ramsay still had to go to work.

Sam waited for Ryan at hes locker that morning. 

"Hey Sam what are you doing here?" 

"Stay away from (Y/N).. if your with the guys fine but other wise I want you to stay away from her, I noticed she acts weird when shes around you. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER, SHES MY GIRLFRIEND! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Sam said to Ryan than walked away. Ryan didn't know what hell he was talking about but did as he said anyway. Not that you had a problem with that because you wanted to avoid him anyway.

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