"Ok ok fine. That will be done. But really Tia, we are really very happy for you." They said in unison and bowed their faces down, looking at the floor.

"Sneha, Priya what happened? You guys are crying?" I aksed in a low voice, lifting there faces.

"No. It's ju---just we -----" Priya stammered.

"Hey please! Already, I am so tensed and even though you all arrived, you are being emotional now! Please now stop this." I was on the verge of crying.

"Yaar we will miss you so much Tia. Our outings, picnics, nightstays, parties and what not." Sneha sobbed.

"Ohh come on yaar. I'm not going to Mars or Jupiter that you all can't meet me. Neither, I am leaving college. So just chill."

"Yeah. But after marriage will you ever get the time to remember us? Then we will--------" I cut short Priya in between.

"Shut up you both now! No matter what happens, I can't forget these crazy peeps who play such an important role in my life. Now you both stop, or I will cry I am telling."

"Hahaha. Fine. Now stop blackmailing you Miss., Ohhh sorry! would be Mrs. Khurrana" Priya said slightly hitting my shoulder with hers.

Indeed friends are life and these two are my lifelines. Today, amidst all the tension and all, there presence really lifted my mood.

Then we sat together and kept talking among ourselves when I heard another knock at the door and turning towards it I found it opening inwards and bhaiyya entering the room. Seeing him, I literally jumped off the bed and ran towards him.

As soon as I went and stopped in front of him, my eyes staring at his face, I found his eyes to be moist yet a smile was plastering his lips.

"Wowwwwww Tia, you are looking so gorgeous." bhaiyya's eyes brimmed with tears.

"Thank you bhaiyya"

"Really, how time passes right? The little Tia who used to roam this entire house in my arms, now getting married." he said and a lone tear escaped his eyes.

"Nothing changed ok? Your Tia is still the same for you and will always remain so. For parents, their child never grows. Moreover, for me, you are my mumma and papa both. So, better don't say this from next time." I said with a cute pout.

"Hahaha! Ok ok now come downstairs. The groom has already arrived. " bhaiyya said with a smile plastering his lips.

God knows what will happen now.

"Pandit ji is calling you. Priya, Sneha bring her to the pavillion" he said gently rubbing his hand over my head and left the place.

No sooner did he depart than I remained still in my position with several thoughts clustering my mind with eyes fixed in his way of departure. My trance was then broken when a felt a pat on my shoulders.

"Tia relax. We can understand that you are eager to meet your husband and thus so lost in his thoughts. But first turn this side." Priya said removing some kohl from her eyes and placed a small dot behind my ears.

"Now your look is just perfect" Sneha put the veil over my head.

"Thank you. Now if everything is over so let's go" I said.

"Wowww Priya, see someone is being desperate." Sneha smirked

"Yeah. I can see that pretty well" Priya gave her a hi-fi.

Here, both were busy teasing and pulling my leg while I my mind was getting occupied with several thoughts. Yet not wasting much time in thinking something negative, I shrugged it off from my mind and left the room and along with Sneha and Priya, who guided me towards the pavilion.

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