Part 1~ Fitting in

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I took a deep breath and paced through the gates of my new school. Ackley bridge. I was having second thoughts. I whipped my head around to see if my mum was still there, but she's whizzed off and I was stranded here on my own. Kids filled the space around me. Ive never felt so many eyes on me in my life. I didn't really have a good reputation at my old school. I basically just roamed around and when I did go to lessons I just sat there and put my head on the table. My mum wanted me to come here for a "fresh start" or some bullshit like that. I knew I wouldn't fit in here already. Girls caked in makeup, there hair tied up in buns. Whilst I was here with my eyebrows filled in and well yeah that's about it.

I walked up to the steps with still at least 10 pairs of eyes on me. Like is there a reason they're staring or what?. A blonde lady walked up to me "oh you must be Mia?" I nodded my head. "Come in I'll see you to your lesson". I knew she would take me to her office first like cut all the bullshit I know what I'm doing it's just school. "I know your behaviour at your previous school was not good, but here we believe in giving students second chances so you need to buckle down and get your exams done". I honestly didn't care about exams. "To be honest I couldn't care less I'm just here cause I have to be yano". She glared at me " Right well for your subjects we only have Art and drama left if that's okay?" I just gave her a glare "whatever". She got up and lead me out of the room I assume I had art first which is great considering I'm shit at it. I walked in and again all eyes were on me. Jeez stare much. The teacher greeted me with a smile. "You must be Mia" I nodded and she pointed to an empty table. Thank god I was hoping she would sit me on my own. "I'm sure you will have company at some point this lesson". What did that mean? Oh well I strolled over and sat down. About 20 minutes into the lesson the door was slammed open so hard it was nearly taken off of its hinges.

A boy strolled in with a hoodie under his blazer, Nike air max trainers and and eyebrow piercing. So how did he get away with that then. I looked around and the only place free was next to me. I looked out the window to avoid any eye contact. This kid looked rather scary to me and I didn't want any sort of problems. "Oi" I jumped out of my seat as he took me out my thoughts and shouted down my ear. "What was that for you wanker". He looked quite taken back. We were not off to a very good start. " God why are you being such a bitch". "Well I'm not being funny MATE but you culda burst my eardrum". He stared at me for about 30 seconds. I stared back. Who does this kid think he is. "Jordan". "What" I said out of anger. "My name is Jordan Wilson". "Not being funny Wilson but when did I ask" he laughed. Why is he laughing. "You know what fuck you." I was so irritated by this kid I literally got my stuff walked out and slammed the door. If you wanna play a game of acting tough Wilson we can go there.

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