Part 76- Flooded HQ

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Scorpion and Lemurboy are diving down to catch Romeo!

Lemurboy: Grab my hand!

Scorpion: Alright! *grabs hand*

Lemurboy: Super Lemur Tail!

Lemurboy shoots his tail towards Romeo!

Romeo: What the?! Hey!

The tail wraps around Romeo!

Romeo: Get off of me!

Lemurboy: Get ready scorpion!

Scorpion: Okay!

Lemurboy uses Romeo to throw himself in the air!

Romeo: AHHHHHH!!

Lemurboy flips around and throws Romeo into the moat!

Romeo: *swims up* ew! *spits* why'd you throw me in the moat?!

Octobella swims up.

Octobella: Stop spitting in my moat! Get out!

Romeo: Okay okay I'm getting out!

Scorpion and Lemurboy stand in front of Romeo

Lemurboy: Time to stop Romeo!

Romeo: Never! *tries to grab invention* hey where is it?

Scorpion: Looking for this? *holds up invention*

Romeo: Give it back!

Scorpion: we'll take this to HQ! *accidentally presses button*

The machine shoots water in scorpion's face causing him to fall to the ground and drop the machine!

Romeo: *grabs machine* Haha! *shoots Lemurboy*

Lemurboy: My stomach!! *falls to the ground in pain*

Romeo: Pathetic! *gasps* I have the perfect idea! *runs away*

Scorpion: Hey! Get back here! Where'd he go?

Lemurboy: *groans*

Back in the Flying Factory...

Catboy: Is she there?

Luna: No.

Catboy: Is she there?

Owlette: No!

Gekko: Where is she?

Tarantula: Super Spider Sense! I can feel something by my spider sense is too weak to pinpoint exactly where these vibrations are coming from

???: Down here!

Luna: Huh? *looks at floor* Motsuki?

Motsuki: Smartypants shrink Motsuki before Luna got here!

Porcupine: That's terrible!

Motsuki: He shrink Motsuki with weird machine

Porcupine: Do you know where the machine is now?

Motsuki: Over there!

Luna: *grabs machine and shoots at Motsuki*

Motsuki: Yay! Motsuki big again!

Catboy: Let's go check on Lemurboy and Scorpion!

Owlette: Back to the PJ Air Jet!

The PJs, Luna, and Motsuki all get in the PJ Air Jet and fly down to the ground

Lemurboy: *talks on mic* Owlette!

Owlette: I'm here!

Lemurboy: Fly back into HQ! We need to discuss some stuff!

Owlette: Okay!

Owlette separates the three vehicles from each other and lands in HQ.

Owlette: What is it?

The PJs, Luna, and Motsuki get out of the vehicle and go to the picture player.

Gekko: Where is Romeo?

Scorpion: He escaped. But before he got away he said he had an idea

Catboy: All his ideas are evil so we gotta find him!

Lemurboy: We really do! That machine is more powerful than we thought! The water hit my stomach and it hurt more than anything I've ever felt! That's an exaggeration but it's still powerful! At its full power who knows what it could do!

Suddenly Romeo jumps out of the corner!

Romeo: It can do this!

Romeo starts shooting water everywhere!

Gekko: Woah! Romeo cut it out!

Romeo: I can't turn it off!

Suddenly water starts to come up to their legs!

Lemurboy: Woah! This water is rising fast!

The water rises to their chests!

Owlette: Super Owl Wings! I can't fly! My wings are too wet!

Catboy: Get to the elevators! Ew! I hate water!

Owlette: Help!

The elevators start to go up!

Catboy: No! Owlette!

Gekko: Oh no!

Porcupine: Get to the Owl door!

Catboy: I can't leave Owlette!

Luna: She'll be fine!

Catboy: What?!

Luna: you have your swimming suits down there don't you!

Catboy: But what if she didn't get it in time

Owlette rises from the elevators

Owlette: I made it!

Gekko: Yay!

Tarantula: Open the door!

Scorpion: I got this! *Shoots air bubble at door*

Gekko: Super Gekko Muscles! *kicks door open*

Water starts pouring out of HQ!

Gekko: Everything must be so messed up in there!

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