Short Show: Dragon Boat Race

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Scorpion: And that's how I first learned how to ride a bike.

Tarantula: What an interesting story.

Night Ninja: Hey you!

Tarantula: Huh? Me?

Night Ninja: Yeah you! Get over here you web slinging weirdo!

Scorpion: Don't talk to her like that!

Night Ninja: Oh look it's Mr. Big hands protecting his girlfriend! Haha!

Scorpion: Who do you think you're talking to?!

Tarantula: Don't pay him any attention.

Night Ninja: Bet you can't beat me in a race!

Scorpion: I bet I can!

Tarantula: Don't let him get to you, Scorpion.

Night Ninja: Well let's go then!

Scorpion: You're on!

Night Ninja: Jump in the dragon boat! We're about to race!

Scorpion jumps into the boat.

Night Ninja: We will race all the way around till we're back here.

Scorpion: Count down for us, Tarantula!

Tarantula: Fine. 3! 2! 1! Go!!

The two race off!

Night Ninja: Hey!

Scorpion: I'm in the lead! I told you I could be you!

Night Ninja: Well that doesn't really matter anymore.

Scorpion: What?

Night Ninja: Ninja fingers!

Night Ninja lifts Scorpion's boat into the air!

Scorpion: Hey!

Night Ninja: You really thought that this was a race?

Scorpion: Wait what? Isn't this a race?

Night Ninja: No! Hahaha! I got you good! You're so gullible!

Scorpion: What do you mean?

Night Ninja: I'm using you to get something valuable.

Scorpion: You're what?! You're gonna pay for this!

Night Ninja: Oh please. You couldn't beat me even if you had the power of Mystery Mountain on your side!

Scorpion: Bet I can!

Tarantula: *swings onto Scorpion's boat* Stop trying to prove stuff to him!

Scorpion: What?

Tarantula: You got yourself into this mess because you wanted to prove to him that you could be him. Look where that got you!

Scorpion: Oh yeah...

Tarantula: Stop trying to prove stuff to him. You don't need to.

Scorpion: You're right. I don't need to prove anything to you! Super Scorpion Glow!

The glow blinds Night Ninja for a few seconds.

Night Ninja: Huh? Where'd they go? NO!!! Now I won't be able to get that crystal from Octobella!

At HQ...

Scorpion: Thanks for knocking some sense into me back there.

Tarantula: No problem!

Scorpion: Now I know I don't need to prove anything to anyone. Especially villains.

Tarantula: I'm glad you learned your lesson.

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