Part 37- Colassal Wolfies

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Suddenly the Wolfies start to grow

Kevin: Woah! What's happening

Howler: we finally started to grow

Rip: wait why are we getting so big? We shouldn't be this big. And why are we glowing

Howler: I can answer that! Moon power

Rip: ok?

Kevin: guys it was the machine! It made us giants!

Rip: yeah it did!

Howler: let's go show gray guy who's boss!

Crusher: uh hi?

Rip: GET EM!

Crusher: ahhh *starts to run* I'm sorry I didn't realize how-

Howler: shush!

Rip: I will step on you! This is what you get for messing with the wolfy kids!

Kevin: yip yip yarooo! *howls crusher away*

Howler: good job Kevin!

Rip: what do we do now?

Catboy: you stop right there!

Howler: huh? Ugh it's the pajama kids!

Kevin: what are you doing here?

Gekko: we are here to stop you!

Owlette: I don't know how you became this big but you'll probably do something bad!

Catboy: tell us how you got so big

Kevin: well we were running from this big gray guy that had two horns on his head-

Catboy: that CANT be good. I think I know who your talking about!

Gekko: me too!

Owlette: it's gotta be crusher

Rip: yeah I think that's what his name was

Kevin: then we found this machine that looked like Romeo's machine and it made us big-

Catboy: stop right there! I think I know what it is

Gekko: *gets nervous* maybe he-

Catboy: I knew it! It's the small sizer! How did it get out here though

Gekko: well...

Meanwhile at Peter and Landon's house...

Peter: we're finally home!

Landon: yeah in the middle of the night too!

Peter's mom: we were supposed to get home before your new school started but because of us getting lost in the middle of the ocean and being there for about a month we got home late *opens door*

Peter: I'm going straight to bed!

Landon: me too

The two run up the stairs and collapse onto their beds

Peter: good night little brother

Landon: good night

Two minutes later...

Peter: *wakes up* why do I hear stomping *hears loud stomping* woah! What In the world was that! *gets out of bed and wakes Landon up* dude do you hear that?

Landon: you messed up my dream! It was us and the pjs trying to fight these big wolves! They were giants

Peter: wait what! Were they stomping?

Landon: yeah?

Peter: dude I think you might get that thing later! Deja vu!

Landon: what? I'm confused

Peter: let's just hurry and transform! *presses bracelet*

Landon: I'll go see if mom is asleep

Peter: well is she?

Landon: yeah! *presses bracelet*

(Skipping transformation)

The two land outside of HQ

Porcupine: where do you think that stomping is coming from-

Lemurboy: there!

Porcupine: huh? *sees wolfies* *gasps* let's go!

Catboy: so basically Gekko you put the small sizer in the Gekko Mobile on accident and you think that is fell out?

Gekko: yeah?

Owlette: oh geez Gekko why do you have to be so irresponsible?

Porcupine: hi guys!

Catboy: huh? Oh look its porcupine and Lemurboy! We really need your help

Lemurboy: woah *sees wolfies* deja vu?

Porcupine: told you

Catboy: ok guys there no time for talking! PJ Masks let's go! cat stripes! *wraps stripes around rip's foot*

Gekko: catboy! Hand me the stripes!

Catboy: ok! *hands stripes*

Gekko: *pulls rip's foot*

Rip: woah! You can't do nothing! We're unstoppable!

Catboy: Owlette hand me one of your feathers

Lemurboy: me too!

Owlette: ok *hands feathers*

Catboy: Lemurboy grab my hand!

Lemurboy: *grabs hand*

Catboy: super super cat speed! *runs up howler*

Lemurboy: what are you doing?!

Catboy: *stops* ok we're at the top. Now I want you to give me that feather and squeeze that nerve right there when I tell you too ok?

Lemurboy: got it!

Catboy: tickle time! *tickles howler*

Howler: hahahahahahahah what's happening? Hihihihi hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hahahahaha hehehe! Stop that tickles!

Catboy: now!

Lemurboy: *pinches nerve*

Howler: yaroooo! That hurts! Stop stop! *Starts to fall*

Owlette: Gekko catch him!

Gekko: uh ok! Super DUPER Gekko Mighty Muscles! *hold up howler* Grrr *drops* Ahh! *Falls in water*

Porcupine: I have and idea to get the other two down! Porcupine quills!

Owlette: I'll try and blow them down! Owl wing wind!

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